I'm currently making a website using ReactJS and webpack to build it.

My text editor is set on ISO-8859-15 encoding and I'm using accented or special chars like é è à ç.

In my html page, I believe I'm using the right configuration:

<meta charset="iso-8859-15">

But special chars are not rendered the right way: Fran�ais instead of Français for instance.

I tried to set charset="utf-8" but nothing changed.

I feel like webpack is building with UTF-8 encoding, which brakes my chars. How could I fix this issue?

3 Answers 3


I didn't find a way to make webpack read input files with an encoding other than UTF-8. I had to set up my project to write source files in UTF-8, and then used webpack-encoding-plugin to output files as ISO-8859-1 or whatever. It worked.

  • 1
    I confirm this is the only solution I found so far. For whoever is using visualstudio this is how to save the file in utf-8 msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dxfdkfke.aspx Commented May 31, 2017 at 18:44
  • This solution works for accent characters into utf-8 sources. But if react render data from an rest service in ISO-8859-1 the accent characters still to be wrong. Commented Sep 16, 2020 at 11:23

To fix fetch problems with not utf-8 endpoints this is the solution:

    .then(response => response.arrayBuffer())
    .then(buffer => {
      let decoder = new TextDecoder('iso-8859-1');
      return decoder.decode(buffer);
    .then(res => JSON.parse(res))

I solved by changing the .js file encoding format to UTF8. I just oppened the file with Notepad ++ and I did: Format -> Converto to UTF8.

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