I'm learning PHP and wrote a simple translator.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="UTF-8">

<form method="post" action="">
<input type="string" name="word">
<input type="submit">	


if (isset($_POST["word"])) {
	$word = $_POST["word"];
	echo $word . " -> ";

function translate($word){
$dict = array('hello' => 'sawadee khap','thanks' => 'kap khum khap','sorry' => 'mai pen rai');
	foreach ($dict as $en => $th) {
		if ($word == $en) {
			echo $th;


} else {
	echo "enter a word";


How can I display the string 'not in dictionary' when I enter a word that isn't in the array? I'd also appreciate any feedback or suggestions on improving the code.

  • 2
    let the golf code begin!
    – Kevin
    Commented Feb 4, 2016 at 6:49
  • You don't really need a loop for what you're doing. You can just echo the EN to TH translation by doing $dict[$word]. Commented Feb 4, 2016 at 6:49

6 Answers 6


PHP has a function for this, called in_array. You can do something like this :

$dict = array('hello' => 'sawadee khap','thanks' => 'kap khum khap','sorry' => 'mai pen rai');
if(!in_array($word, array_keys($dict))){
    echo '"' . $word . '" not found in the dictionary.';
    echo $dict[$word];

Edit: Improved

$dict = array('hello' => 'sawadee khap','thanks' => 'kap khum khap','sorry' => 'mai pen rai');
if(!array_key_exists(strtolower($word), $dict)){
    echo '"' . $word . '" not found in the dictionary.';
    echo $dict[$word];
  • } else { echo $dict[$word]; } would make it complete
    – Rene Korss
    Commented Feb 4, 2016 at 6:47
  • @ReneKorss Thanks. Edited. Commented Feb 4, 2016 at 6:48
  • might as well add an strtolower on top of that, it would be weird not to match as simple Hello (uppercase)
    – Kevin
    Commented Feb 4, 2016 at 6:52

Change your function code

function translate($word){
$dict = array('hello' => 'sawadee khap','thanks' => 'kap khum khap','sorry' => 'mai pen rai');

if(array_key_exists($word, $dict)){
     echo $dict[$word];
    echo 'not in dictionary';

If you return a value from the function when a word is found or falsoe otherwise you can do a logical test on the result to display the alternative error message.

<form method="post" action="">
    <input type="string" name="word">
    <input type="submit">   
        if ( isset( $_POST["word"] ) ) {

            $word = $_POST["word"];
            echo $word . " -> ";

            function translate( $word=false ){
                if( $word ){
                    $dict = array('hello' => 'sawadee khap','thanks' => 'kap khum khap','sorry' => 'mai pen rai');
                    foreach ($dict as $en => $th) {
                        if( $word == $en ) {
                            return $th;
                return false;

            $result=translate( $word );
            echo $result ? $result : 'Sorry, not found!';

        } else {
            echo "enter a word";

you can use array_key_exist :

$dict = array('hello' => 'sawadee khap','thanks' => 'kap khum khap','sorry' => 'mai pen rai');
if (array_key_exists($word, $dict)) {
//in dictionary
//not in dictionary

Please try this

<form method="post" action="">
    <input type="string" name="word">
    <input type="submit">   


function translate($word) {
    $dict = array('hello' => 'sawadee khap', 'thanks' => 'kap khum khap', 'sorry' => 'mai pen rai');

    if (array_key_exists($word, $dict)) {
       echo $dict[$word];

    } else {
        echo " not in dictionary";

if (isset($_POST["word"])) {
    $word = $_POST["word"];
    echo $word . " -> ";
} else {
    echo "enter a word";
  • @ReneKorss Because we CAN! :D Commented Feb 4, 2016 at 6:52

Your top if statement is missing a brace.

As to your question, I assume that you are wanting to walk through the dictionary and if the word isn't found to echo it. You could use a flag. Set it to something before the for loop and then when you find the word set it to something else. Then check at the end of the for loop eg:

$found = false;
foreach ($dict as $en => $th) {
    if ($word == $en) {
        $found = true'
        echo $th;
if (!$found) echo $word;''

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