What are the PowerShell built-in drives called and where do I find a list of them?

When I say drives (because I don't know what they're really called), I'm refering to something like these as examples

dir function:
dir variable:

I am specifically looking for how to dir the list of local variables or global variables in a PowerShell session.

I have done this before but can't remember what the drive names were just now.


  • 1
    Do you mean Get-PSDrive? Feb 10, 2016 at 17:15

3 Answers 3


What are the PowerShell built-in drives called and where do I find a list of them?

To read more about providers, run Get-Help about_Providers in PowerShell or use online reference: about_Providers.

To get list of available providers use Get-PSProvider.

I am specifically looking for how to dir the list of local variables or global variables in a PowerShell session.

Use Get-Variable:

Get-Variable -Scope Local
Get-Variable -Scope Global
Get-Variable -Scope Script


For your second question: get-childitem -path variable: | ft *


Specifically, I was looking for the way to do the following.

ls Variable:

rm Variable:

I realise that ls and rm are aliases for Get-ChildItem and Remove-Item respectively, but I find the aliases easier to remember.

Thanks for the help all.

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