Oracle 11g2. For example:

select XMLType( 
        <name>J. Smith</name>   
  <comment>For information</comment>
</main>').getStringVal() from dual;

Could you help me modify this select statement ? I'd like to get varchar output as :

  <name>J. Smith</name>   

unfortunately, using extract('/main/article') as:

select XMLType( 
        <name>J. Smith</name>   
  <comment>For information</comment>
</main>').extract('/main/article').getStringVal() from dual;

lose format of the text (all output in one row). Thank you in advance.

  • Out of curiosity, why do you want to get the nodes without a root node?
    – Boneist
    Feb 10, 2016 at 15:12

2 Answers 2


You can do this (well, including the article node) via XMLTABLE and XMLSERIALISE to do the pretty printing, e.g.:


with sample_data as (select XMLType( 
        <name>J. Smith</name>   
  <comment>For information</comment>
</main>') xdata from dual)
select xmlserialize(document x.col1 as varchar2(4000) indent size = 2)
from   sample_data sd
       cross join xmltable('/main/article'
                           passing sd.xdata
                           columns col1 xmltype path '.') x;


    <name>J. Smith</name>

As @Boneist shows you can use xmlserialize() for the formatting, but as you only seem to have a single article node in your document you can still use your extract():

select xmlserialize(document XMLType( 
        <name>J. Smith</name>   
  <comment>For information</comment>
  as varchar2(200) indent) as article
from dual;

Or you can use an XMLQuery:

select xmlserialize(document xmlquery('/main/article'
  passing XMLType( 
        <name>J. Smith</name>   
  <comment>For information</comment>
  returning content)
  as varchar2(200) indent) as article
from dual;

    <name>J. Smith</name>                                                       

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