I have a code where I can move an object by mouse:

    #container {
        width: 60px;
        height: 40px;
        mydragg = function(){
                return {
                    startMoving : function(divid, evt) {
                        evt = evt || window.event;
                        var diffX = evt.clientX - divid.offsetLeft,
                            diffY = evt.clientY - divid.offsetTop;

                        document.onmousemove = function(evt) {
                            evt = evt || window.event;
                            divid.style.left = evt.clientX - diffX + 'px';
                            divid.style.top  = evt.clientY - diffY + 'px';
                    stopMoving : function() {
                        document.onmousemove = null;
    <div id='container' onmousedown='mydragg.startMoving(this, event);' onmouseup='mydragg.stopMoving();'></div>

It works, but I need more - inertia - when I do "mouseup" DIV must continue to move a little, according to the previous movement's speed. An example could be Google Maps - you move a map with inertia.

I need the same with pure JavaScript functions (no jQuery, no interact.js or something 3'rd partly like that).

If you can - you can modify the code to use "transform" instead of "style.left/top", because performance and looking good is the most important thing.

Can you help to add inertia's code?

  • 1
    What have you attempted so far?
    – Mike Cluck
    Feb 12, 2016 at 23:20
  • I've tried to calculate dX and dY (something we can call speed) and then in a loop to change DIV's position by dY/dX (and decreasing dX/dY until "1" or "0") - but it looks horrible and I'm sure it is wrong
    – alexoy
    Feb 12, 2016 at 23:22
  • 1
    Your idea is basically correct. I followed an article by Ariya Hidayat to implement something similar.
    – Mike Cluck
    Feb 12, 2016 at 23:24
  • It's just a matter of mass, velocity and retarding-force (friction).Wiki will have the relevant equations, which I've long ago forgotten.
    – enhzflep
    Feb 12, 2016 at 23:38
  • @MikeC, I've tried to implement inertia from scrolling script.. unfortunately it works too slow. There are too many calculations all the time while a mouse is down, and every 100ms many global variables are recalculated. I need something more lightweight
    – alexoy
    Feb 16, 2016 at 19:47


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