Let's say I have this table structure:

| id | first_name | last_name | country | city | address | zipcode | created             | updated             |
|  1 | Duvdevan   | Duvdevani | NULL    | NULL | NULL    | NULL    | 2016-02-12 15:37:19 | 2016-02-12 16:35:57 |

And I want to add a new column called email, just after id and before first_name, using the addColumn method of the Migration class.

Only thing I can do in my new migration is:

public function up()
    $this->addColumn('contacts', 'email', $this->string(64));

And it will put it at the end of the table, after updated field.

How can I add a column at a specific position within my table, so this SQL query could be respected:

ALTER TABLE contacts ADD email VARCHAR(64) AFTER id

4 Answers 4


Solved it. If anyone faces the same issue, this is the solution I used:

public function up()
    $this->addColumn('contacts', 'email', 'VARCHAR(64) AFTER id');

EDIT: From version Yii 2.0.8 you can use this chained syntax as well:

$this->addColumn('contacts', 'email', $this->string(64)->after('id'));
public function up()
    $this->addColumn('contacts', 'email', $this->string(64)->after('id'));
  • 4
    Please try to avoid just dumping a code as an answer and try to explain what it does and why - this way it will be easier for a newer user to learn from your answer.
    – Frits
    Commented Jun 30, 2016 at 13:22
  • 2
    Also, note from which version is the after method available. (From 2.0.8: yiiframework.com/news/97/yii-2-0-8-is-released) Commented Jun 30, 2016 at 14:36

You can use migration command for that as below :

php yii migrate/create add_email_column_to_contacts_table --fields="email:string(64):after('id')"

If the migration name is of the form add_xxx_column_to_yyy_table then the file content would contain addColumn and dropColumn statements necessary.

So you should run the following command to add column email to table contacts:

php yii migrate/create add_email_column_to_contacts_table --fields="email:string(64)"

Documentation: https://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/2.0/en/db-migrations#add-column

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