Performing a BDD tutorial and the test requires that a word that has two consonants at the beginning of a word be translated into pig latin. It is the the second elsif statement is where I am having trouble. The code is as follows:

def translate(arg)

    vowel = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"]
    vowel_word = "ay"

    consonant = ["z", "b", "t", "g", "h"]
    consonant_word = "ay"

    if vowel.include?(arg[0]) == true
        return arg + vowel_word
    elsif consonant.include?(arg[0]) == true
        foo = arg[1,6]
        return foo + arg[0] + consonant_word
    elsif (consonant.include?(arg[0]) == true) and (consonant.include?(arg[1]) == true)
        foo = arg[2, 5]
        return foo + arg[0] + arg[1] + consonant_word


My problem is with the third condition. The output is nil, not 'errychay' which is what I want. Any help will be appreciated.


2 Answers 2


It is because your

consonant = ["z", "b", "t", "g", "h"]

is not a full consonant list, particularly it does not include the arg[0] of "cherry", which is "c". So "cherry" satisfies neither vowel.include?(arg[0]) nor consonant.include?(arg[0]), nor any of the three if/elsif conditions, and the condition block returns nil.


It seems like you should use or instead of and. More about boolean operators in Ruby you can look here. Also, i advise you to do some refactoring:

def translate(arg)
  vowel = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"]
  vowel_word = "ay"
  consonant = ["z", "b", "t", "g", "h"]
  consonant_word = "ay"

  if vowel.include?(arg[0])
    arg + vowel_word
  elsif consonant.include?(arg[0])
    foo = arg[1,6]
    foo + arg[0] + consonant_word
  elsif consonant.include?(arg[0]) || consonant.include?(arg[1])
    foo = arg[2, 5]
    foo + arg[0] + arg[1] + consonant_word

Note, that include? method returns true of false, so you may omit == true. Also, Ruby automatically returns last string of if..else statement, so you can omit it too.

  • Awesome thank you very much, this worked like a charm.
    – JCD
    Feb 17, 2016 at 18:43
  • 1
    There is nothing wrong about this post, but it should be a comment to the question rather than an answer.
    – sawa
    Feb 17, 2016 at 18:46
  • Why? Question was The output is nil, not 'errychay' which is what I want. I answered on question, and gave link for more details about boolean operators.
    – Ilya
    Feb 17, 2016 at 18:50
  • @sawa it answered my question and got my code to behave the way I intended
    – JCD
    Feb 18, 2016 at 3:39

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