I have a dataframe which is generated from another dataframe by performing groupby operation using one column from the original df and another one a true/false vector generated again from a column of original df. Following code should reproduce that

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df=pd.DataFrame({'group1': list('AABBCCAABBCC'),'group2':list('ZYYXYXXYZXYZ'),'group3':list('MMMNNNOOOMNO'),'group4':list('EFGGFEEFGGFE')})
df['check_for_A']=df['group1']=='A' #True/False vector

The output looks like this

 check_for_A  False  True  random_values
 A                0     4       0.917167
 B                4     0       0.965026
 C                4     0       0.046257

My problem is while I can access the column random_values by just typing truth_table['random_values'] , I cannot seem to access True or False columns. The command truth_table['True'] gives an error complaining something about the name True. Same thing happens with False. I a not sure why.

I think the problem IS with True/False name because if I do something like this


Column names are x, y and z and I do not have any problems in accessing it.

I would appreciate if someone can explain this behavior and suggest alternative solution. I am thinking changing the column names but want to find out here what I am missing anyway.

1 Answer 1


You can access your data using truth_table[True] and truth_table[False] without the quotes. This can be seen if you do

print truth_table.columns
# Index([False, True, u'random_values'], dtype='object', name=u'check_for_A')

This behavior comes from the fact that the values in df['check_for_A'] are boolean and not strings.

  • Maybe you can add to answer print truth_table.columns is Index([False, True, u'random_values'], dtype='object', name=u'check_for_A')
    – jezrael
    Feb 20, 2016 at 8:54
  • Thanks @JulienSpronck and Jezrael. This was trivial but immensely helpful. Also, will help me watch out for strings/booleans in future.
    – PagMax
    Feb 20, 2016 at 9:52

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