Annotating Spring tests with @Transactional is convenient but it's not how your production code will be executed. The @Transactional annotation will start a transaction prior to running your test method and it will roll it back when the test method finishes.
While commit is preceded by a flush, the roll-back is not, so a manual flush is a safety-mechanism to ensure all Entity changes are translated to SQL statements.
A more appropriate design would be to draw the transaction boundaries explicitly like this:
public void testRootObjects() {
final Company newCompany = new Company();
newCompany.setName("TV Company");
final Long companyId = transactionTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallback<Long>() {
public Long doInTransaction(TransactionStatus transactionStatus) {
return newCompany.getId();
Company detachedCompany = transactionTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallback<Company>() {
public Company doInTransaction(TransactionStatus transactionStatus) {
Company attachedCompany = entityManager.find(Company.class, companyId);
assertEquals(newCompany, attachedCompany);
assertEquals(newCompany.hashCode(), attachedCompany.hashCode());
return attachedCompany;
assertEquals(newCompany, detachedCompany);
assertEquals(newCompany.hashCode(), detachedCompany.hashCode());
The TransactionTemplate will commit your code so there's no need for manual flushes.
If you call @Transactional service methods through their interface, you won't need the transactionTemplate at all, since you are calling a Spring proxy which will call TransactionInterceptor (assuming you instructed Spring to be aware of transaction annotations: ) and therefore transactions will be started/committed on your behalf.