I'd like to set the title of my app in my/config/config.exs file:

config :my, My.Endpoint,
  url: [host: "localhost"],
  root: Path.dirname(__DIR__),
  secret_key_base: "secret",
  title: "My App"

How can I read title later to use it in template? Something like:

  Title of my app is <%= ??? %>

I tried conn.title and it says there's no such key. But, when I try conn.secret_key_base it works. Why?

5 Answers 5


The get_env function is part of the Application module from the Elixir/Erlang core.

This function returns the value for a specific key in the app's environment. Considering your configuration, you would access the title property this way:

Application.get_env(:my, My.Endpoint)[:title]

The third parameter is for passing a default value when the config key doesn't exist.


You may use Application.get_env(:my, :title)

  • You must have the dev.exs, prod.exs and test.exs files to get the current environment configurations. Commented Mar 1, 2016 at 15:18
  • 9
    This answer is incorrect, at least on my system. tiagohngl gives the proper incantation. Commented Nov 11, 2016 at 1:02
  • app parameter is :my, and key is My.Endpoint. So this answer is incorrect. The one by @tiago-herique-engel should be checked
    – febeling
    Commented Mar 15, 2018 at 16:23

Let's say in dev.ex file you have a config variables

config :app_name, AppName.Endpoint,
  api_prefix: "api/v2",
  api_host: "",
  api_port: "3000"

You can fetch all three config variables

Application.get_env(:app_name, AppName.Endpoint)[:api_prefix]
Application.get_env(:app_name, AppName.Endpoint)[:api_host]
Application.get_env(:app_name, AppName.Endpoint)[:api_port] 

To have clear separation between my custom configuration and configuration for phoenix and other modules I used:

config :ace, :config,
  root: Path.dirname(__DIR__),
  title: "Ace"

And then you retrieve the value using a get_env call like:

iex> Application.get_env(:ace, :config)[:title]

if you look under the hood how the config is just a function that add config values to a keyword list and later you can access them in your app

config/2 takes a key and maps it to keyword_list, config/3 takes a key and adds key with keyword_list as value.

Since you are using config/3 it namesapces your config under My.Endpoint this would work Application.get_env(:my, My.Endpoint, :title)

  • config/2 adds multiple key-value pairs in one call, while config/3 add only one pair. There's always a as first app parameter. Application.get_env always fetches one value for the given key and in the given application. The third parameter specifies a default value, in case the the app or key are missing.
    – febeling
    Commented Mar 15, 2018 at 16:31
  • Using Application.get_env(:my, My.Endpoint, :title) is just plain wrong. My.Endpoint always has values, and :title isn't an appropriate default (clarifying febeling's comment)
    – iheggie
    Commented Apr 8, 2018 at 12:37

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