I'm currently working on my first AngularJS project so I have no Angular experience at all. In my html, I show a slidebar with two handle. This way I can get a minimum and a maximum value. This happens here:

  <div data-role="rangeslider">
    <label for="width-min">Width</label>
    <input type="range" name="width-min" id="width-min" value="5" ng-value="5"  min="3" max="53.5" ng-model="minWidth">
    <label for="width-max">Width</label>
    <input type="range" name="width-max" id="widthe-max" value="35" ng-value ="53"  min="3" max="53.5" ng-model="maxWidth">

I have a small set of data in my controller:

 $scope.products = [
{partNumber: "5400-003-412", specific:"V",width:5.5,MT:0.25,CT:0.33,L:18},
{partNumber: "5400-003-410", specific:"DC",width:5.5,MT:0.25,CT:0.33,L:11.5},
{partNumber: "5400-003-102s3", specific:"V",width:19.5,MT:0.38,CT:0.61,L:25.4}

As you guys can see every product has a width. I only want the show those products with a width between the minimum and maximum value selected on the sliderbar. Any suggestions?

2 Answers 2


You can use Angular filters for that. A filter can be a string, Object, or function()

A solution is to include a filter while rendering the list.

  <li ng-repeat="product in products | filter : filterByWidth"
    {{product.partNumber}} - {{product.width}}

Then in your controller, you can include a filter function (for this example it's filterByWidth).

$scope.filterByWidth = function(product, index, array) {
  if (product.width > $scope.minWidth &&
    product.width < $scope.maxWidth) {
    return true;
  • 1
    Thanks man! This totally worked! A bit strange I didn't came up with this myself. Simple solution actually, thanks! Commented Mar 4, 2016 at 10:29

You can do something like this

     <div ng-repeat="product in products">
       <div ng-if="product.width > minWidth && product.width < maxWidth ">  {{product.partNumber}}</div>

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