With MVC EF code first, a new project can come with account functionality (login, register, etc). I changed the DB connection string from pointing to the mdf file in the App_Data folder to have the connection string point to a SQL Server instance. The ASP.NET specific tables were created in the SQL Server Instance.

Now when this following line of auto generated code runs:

var result = await SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(model.Email,
    model.Password, model.RememberMe, shouldLockout: false);

It throws an exception:

The specified cast from a materialized 'System.Guid' type to the 'System.String' type is not valid.

The DB fields and domain model are Guids. Any help would be appreciated.


  • 2
    this error is telling you that EF materialized an Guid value from database, while in the required object type for this field is a string. I don't know what this line of code exactly does, but I suspect your POCO classes do not match the database schema or your model configuration is off. Mar 5, 2016 at 6:05

1 Answer 1


In my case, my entity was using a Guid as an ID, but in the database the ID was nvarchar(300), I solved the problem by changing the nvarchar(300) to uniqueidentifier, but dont do this without knowing the effect that this could take on your database/application, in my case it was simple and that worked fine.

I hope this helps if someone else have the same problem.

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