I use data from Postgis, that is loaded via geojson and added as data layer on Google Maps.
//Load mapdata via geoJson
var parzelle = new google.maps.Data();
// Set the stroke width, and fill color for each polygon
var featureStyle = {
fillColor: '#ADFF2F',
fillOpacity: 0.1,
strokeColor: '#ADFF2F',
strokeWeight: 1
// Apply style settings to data layer
// Add data layer to map
I would like to style the displayed polygons depending on their attributes (in this case a habitat-code). I've tried the following, but the polygons are no longer displayed.
//Load mapdata via geoJson
var parzelle = new google.maps.Data();
// Styles depending on habitat
var styles = {
6510: {fillColor: "#00cc00", fillOpacity: 0.1, strokeWeight: 1.5, strokeColor: "#00cc00", strokeOpacity: 0.8},
6430: {fillColor: "#00cc00", fillOpacity: 0.1, strokeWeight: 1.5, strokeColor: "#00cc00", strokeOpacity: 0.8},
6210: {fillColor: "#ff9900", fillOpacity: 0.1, strokeWeight: 1.5, strokeColor: "#ff9900", strokeOpacity: 0.8},
9150: {fillColor: "#993300", fillOpacity: 0.1, strokeWeight: 1.5, strokeColor: "#993300", strokeOpacity: 0.8},
9180: {fillColor: "#992200", fillOpacity: 0.1, strokeWeight: 1.5, strokeColor: "#992200", strokeOpacity: 0.8}
var habitat = parzelle.feature.getProperty ('fk_habitat_target');
var featureStyle = styles[habitat] || {};
What's wrong with my code? or Maybe there is even a simpler way to style the polygons depending on their attributes?