Goal: Load an image with a dynamic source. If no image is found, then load a placeholder image instead.

This should demonstrate what I'm trying to do, but I don't know how to conditionally set validImage based on whether the first img src is valid.

<img *ngif="validImage" class="thumbnail-image" src="./app/assets/images/{{image.ID}}.jpg" alt="...">
<img *ngif="!validImage" class="thumbnail-image" src="./app/assets/images/placeholder.jpg" alt="...">

validImage should be true if src="./app/assets/images/{{image.ID}}.jpg" returns an image. Otherwise it would return false and only the second img tag should show.

There are obvious work arounds like storing a list of all valid image sources, but I'm thinking there is a better way to accomplish this.

Any suggestions on the best way to implement this in Angular2 would be greatly appreciated.


9 Answers 9


The best way to handle broken image links is the use the onError event for the <img> tag:

<img  class="thumbnail-image" src="./app/assets/images/{{image.ID}}.jpg"
      onerror="this.src='./app/assets/images/placeholder.jpg';"  alt="..." />
  • 34
    One thing to note, make sure your placeholder image is always in that location or you could get an endless loop I think :)
    – JanR
    Commented Mar 16, 2016 at 3:57
  • Why Does it create goes into a loop?
    – localhost
    Commented Jul 4, 2017 at 9:14
  • 7
    Is there a way to suppress the 404 error that gets logged as well? Commented Sep 20, 2017 at 19:55
  • Amazing !!, But didn't understand why to use this.src? it should work without this too but not working Commented Jul 24, 2018 at 7:43
  • 1
    icanuse, caniuse.com/mdn-html_elements_img_onerror, lists onerror as "This feature is deprecated/obsolete and should not be used." As well as this is not supported for IE11 (for those who have to give commercial support) Commented Feb 18, 2021 at 18:59
<img [src]="pic" (error)="setDefaultPic()">

And somewhere in your component class:

setDefaultPic() {
  this.pic = "assets/images/my-image.png";
  • 2
    Better than the accepted answer. It allows you to do much more things on error (remove the img tag and display a text maybe...), not only changing the img src.
    – Random
    Commented Nov 3, 2020 at 13:29

I ran into a similar need. I wanted to default to a 1X1 transparent pixel if an img url was null or returned an error (404 etc).

import { Directive, Input } from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'img[src]',
    host: {
        '[src]': 'checkPath(src)',
        '(error)': 'onError()'
export class DefaultImage { 
    @Input() src: string;
    public defaultImg: string = '{YOUR_DEFAULT_IMG}';
    public onError() {
        this.src = this.defaultImg;
    public checkPath(src) {
        return src ? src : this.defaultImg;


<img [src]="{DESIRED_IMAGE_SOURCE}" />
  • Excellent solution, because src can be null and will not throw an 404 error in that case.
    – Liquinaut
    Commented May 10, 2017 at 9:34
  • 2
    Can you show an example of template using your solution ?
    – benek
    Commented Dec 5, 2017 at 15:21
  • I don't think onError() would actually do anything in this case? It just returns a string... Commented Oct 25, 2018 at 15:37
  • the onError part needs to be changed to this.src = this.defaultImg;
    – Icycool
    Commented Mar 8, 2019 at 14:08

The following approach also works if you want to handle the error in you class:

In your template:

<img [src]='varWithPath' (error) ="onImgError($event)">

In your class:

onImgError(event) { 
    event.target.src = 'assets/path_to_your_placeholder_image.jpg';
  • 2
    I prefer this to the selected answer, I find it cleaner. Thx! Commented Aug 31, 2020 at 14:10

I've created a custom component that uses a placeholder image if the image is still not loaded or if an error occurs when loading it:


import { Component, Input, OnChanges } from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'my-img',
    templateUrl: 'img.component.html',
export class ImgComponent implements OnChanges {
    public src: string;
    public default: string;
    public alt: string;
    public cached = false;
    public loaded = false;
    public error = false;

    private lastSrc: string;

    constructor() { }

    public ngOnChanges() {
        if (this.src !== this.lastSrc) {
            this.lastSrc = this.src;
            this.loaded = false;
            this.error = false;
            this.cached = this.isCached(this.src);

        if (!this.src) {
            this.error = true;

    public onLoad() {
        this.loaded = true;

    public onError() {
        this.error = true;

    private isCached(url: string): boolean {
        if (!url) {
            return false;

        let image = new Image();
        image.src = url;
        let complete = image.complete;

        // console.log('isCached', complete, url);

        return complete;


<ng-container *ngIf="!cached">
        *ngIf="default && (error || !loaded)" 

<ng-container *ngIf="cached">
        *ngIf="default && error" 

Then you can use it like:

<my-img [src]="src" [alt]="alt" [default]="DEFAULT_IMAGE"></my-img>

PS: I verify beforehand if the image is cached to avoid the image blinking (normally when a component that has the image inside is re-rendered) between the placeholder and the image (if it is cached, I show the image even before the loaded flag be set to true). You can uncomment the log in the isCached function to see if your images are cached or not.

  • Am I right that in your solution you cache every image component separately and thus spend extra memory on every same image occurance on the page (example: table where several cells show the same image, other cells a different one)? I'm almost sure browser default caching of images is much more effective in this case. Commented Jun 14, 2018 at 11:07
  • @ArseniiFomin The cache is not separate. It's only one cache per image (unless you inlude some parameter to bypass that, but that also happens when you use img src). If the cache was different for the same image, it would always return false when isCached() is called. You can make the test of loading an image in an img tag and after call new Image() passing the same src and see that isCached() returns true synchronously (because it uses the same cache). You can also inspect in your browser inspector to see the network calls. Commented Jun 14, 2018 at 12:00
  • @ArseniiFomin Just to complement what I said earlier, the javascript native Image uses the browser default caching: https://stackoverflow.com/a/10240297/4850646 Commented Jun 14, 2018 at 12:14
  • so all caching is done internally in Image class implementation? Commented Jun 15, 2018 at 16:02
  • The javascript Image uses the browser cache. From the MDN web docs: The Image() constructor creates a new HTMLImageElement instance. It is functionally equivalent to document.createElement('img'). Commented Jun 15, 2018 at 17:42
<img class="thumbnail-image" src="getImage()" alt="...">

getImage():string{  //I don't know how would you handle your situation here. But you can think of it.

  if (this.validImage) // I don't know how would you manage validImage here.
     return this.validImagePath;

   return this.placeholderImagePath;
src="validImage ? validImageUrl : placeHolderImgUrl"
  • 2
    Doesn't work if the result comes back as a bad request. Must use @JanR's answer.
    – kbpontius
    Commented Nov 2, 2016 at 5:02

I Just did this :

In my HTML FILE wrote this

   *ngFor="let movie of (results | key:'10')" 
    class="card" style="margin-top:7%;">
 <img [src]="getImage(results[movie])" alt="" class="card-img-top pointer"></div>

I called a function that is in my component.ts and pass the object wheres my url as a parameter

  return this.imageURL+(result.poster_path);
}else return "./assets/noFound.jpg"

Heres my function , first I verify if the object image url is different from null if is true then I return the image url else i return my default "noFound" image that is in my app assets.
Hope it helps!


You can use property binding and OR operator to do this without generating a 404 error in the console. Just make sure to provide the exact location for the placeholder image.

<img class="thumbnail-image" [src]="validImage || '/assets/images/placeholder.jpg'" alt="...">

In here, the validImage property should provide the dynamic image. If it's not available, it uses the placeholder image.

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