So, I have a an action that takes a callback and performs it. It looks a little bit like this. Is there anything I can fill in into the question mark area (or elsewhere) to document the details of the arguments going into the APICall Func parameter?
/// <summary>
/// Opens Authenticated session to servers using ClientSide SDK's, performs action, closes session
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The object to be returned from the authenticated action</typeparam>
/// <param name="credentials">Container for username, password</param>
/// <param name="APICall">?????????????????</param>
/// ?????????????????????
/// ?????????????????????
/// ?????????????????????
/// <returns>T</returns>
private static T MakeAuthenticatedCall<T> (CredStorage Credentials, Func<string,T> APICALL)
T APIResult = APICall(AuthenticationManager.SessionID);
return APIResult;