when I put this in the terminal

ifconfig eth0

the ip address in the terminal change but in the user interface not, I mean

initial state my ip is

then a put in the terminal

ifconfig eth0

and this happens terminal properties

As we can see the properties didn't change. what can I do for change that properties using the terminal or a bash?

2 Answers 2


You are probably using a Linux distribution that uses the NetworkManager daemon, and during installation it decided that eth0 should be configured via DHCP. So every time you manually setup its IP not using it (from a terminal in your case), NetworkManager will set it up again without noticing you within a few seconds or minutes.

To check if you have indeed NetworkManager running and managing eth0 setup, issue:

ps aux | grep -i networkmanager

If it is indeed running, look for more info about it, from Ubuntu for instance:


...and then google around for "network manager manual setup ip".


I hate NetworkManager with a deep passion, gave up using it years ago and always uninstall it, managing my interfaces manually and/or the good old /etc/network/interfaces way. Noticeably (in my case) it can be a pure nuisance when multihoming and changing the interfaceS setup frequently. So if this is indeed your problem (90% sure) I can't help you much more with it. NetworkManager is good at managing one interface at a time, with one configuration (ex static or DHCP) for each interface. This satisfy 95% of user cases. But not mine.


i have try this in my computer and i have success

ifconfig eth0

if you want to chang the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 to chang the ip. you can use vim edit chang thhis line:IPADDR=

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