here is a question for you, say I have a procedure that reads a text file then it does some processing to it, in order to read that text file I'm gonna use the File System Object method. and the syntax for it is this object.OpenTextFile(filename[, iomode[, create[, format]]])
, now, the optional parameter format
is used to read the text file in three Encoding options:
- system default
my question:
How Do i test the file Encoding beforehand, So that i can choose the right Format
here is a sample code that I'm using as part of a project, in this function the user passes a file type of either (txt, docx, doc, rtf) if the type is (rtf, doc, docx) the actual file object (document) will be returned and if the file is a text file, it will be read line by line into a new document and return that new document :
Sub test()
ReadTxtOrDocIntoDocument_1 ("C:\Test.txt")
End Sub
Function ReadTxtOrDocIntoDocument_1(ByVal DocPath As String) As Document
'in this func we only create a new doc for the text file
'because the opening of a text file in word is messy
'if the file is supported then just open it for further processing
If Not DocPath = "" Then 'check if the path is not empty
'make sure one temp doc exists throughout the processing time
Dim fileExt As String 'stores the file extension of the list file
fileExt = Right(DocPath, Len(DocPath) - InStrRev(DocPath, "."))
'let's check if the file is text or doc
Select Case LCase(fileExt)
Case "docx"
Set ReadTxtOrDocIntoDocument_1 = Documents.Open(DocPath)
Case "doc"
Set ReadTxtOrDocIntoDocument_1 = Documents.Open(DocPath)
Case "rtf"
Set ReadTxtOrDocIntoDocument_1 = Documents.Open(DocPath)
Case "txt"
'a doc that recieves the list words for comparison
Set ReadTxtOrDocIntoDocument_1 = Documents.Add
Dim FSO As Object
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Const ForReading = 1
Const OpenAsUNICODE = -1
Const OpenAsSystemDefault = -2
Dim TxtFile As Object
Set TxtFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(DocPath, ForReading, , OpenAsSystemDefault)
Dim ThisLine As String
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
Do Until (TxtFile.AtEndOfStream) 'keep looping until end of file
ThisLine = TxtFile.ReadLine
'go to doc starting point
ReadTxtOrDocIntoDocument_1.Range.MoveStart unit:=wdStory, Count:=1
'insert text after the begining
ReadTxtOrDocIntoDocument_1.Range.InsertAfter ThisLine
'go to end of the doc
ReadTxtOrDocIntoDocument_1.Range.MoveEnd unit:=wdStory, Count:=1
'insert a new line (paragraph)
'increase counter to read next txt line
i = i + 1
Set FSO = Nothing
Set TxtFile = Nothing
End Select
MsgBox "no file path was provided"
Exit Function
'close the tempDoc after processing
End If
End Function