We are in the process of building a cart with the loopback API.

When adding a product (ie. 12345) to a persistent database, I am checking to see if that item already exists in my "cart". If the item exists, I am incrementing the Quantity of that item. BUT, after incrementing I need to stop the item from being added to the cart.

In the "before save" operation hook, can I cancel the item from being added to the database. I need to be able to stop the save operation.


2 Answers 2


You should use findOrCreate() like @amuramoto suggests. But to answer your question, to cancel the save, call next() with an error:


next(new Error('Why this is cancelled...'));

It's bad practice to call a save method inside a before save hook on the same model. Infinite looping can result very easily.

  • Thank You! FindOrCreate() is a great feature that I did not know about, but it didn't work for us here. I ended up moving the logic to the client side in our app with an extra ajax call to check for item present, if so, I call the update endpoint, else call the insert endpoint. I really wanted this in the loopback API, but just couldn't get it to work. We have a situation where we need to keep 2 different datasources in sync with the cart and it ended up getting too complicated. Mar 31, 2016 at 1:31
  • Any idea how to cancel the save but return success? I would like to have an API expose one model, but on POST of the model, do a conversion to another model and save that instead.
    – JBCP
    May 9, 2016 at 17:41
  • @JBCP That's not really great API design, especially for the next person who comes along to modify the code. Why not create a custom remote method on the first model and handle it manually, something like model.createWithFallback()? The logic really isn't suited for beforeSave trickery because you are already in the context of a save operation. You want a wrapper for either model's save, which says custom remote method to me.
    – notbrain
    May 9, 2016 at 18:44
  • @Brian - The goal was to have a model that takes a batch of another models - then on the client side save the individual model instances, rather than the outer batch. For example: "Batch embedsMany Eaches" -> POST Batch -> Save Eaches. This gives an atomic POST for multiple instances of Eaches.
    – JBCP
    May 10, 2016 at 2:32

Try the findOrCreate operation hook instead. It will look for an existing model based on a filter and create a new model if it isn't found.


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