I'm trying to pivot without aggregation, and running into a bit of a wall.

Here's the sample T-SQL I'm trying to get to work:

declare @optionalFields table (ParentId int, Name nvarchar(50), Value nvarchar(50));
insert into @optionalFields values (1, 'Field1', 'Foo');
insert into @optionalFields values (1, 'Field2', 'Bar');
insert into @optionalFields values (1, 'Field3', '42');
insert into @optionalFields values (2, 'Field1', 'Bar');
insert into @optionalFields values (2, 'Field2', 'Foo');
insert into @optionalFields values (2, 'Field3', '24');

declare @data table (Id int, Name nvarchar(50));
insert into @data values (1, 'Test record 1');
insert into @data values (2, 'Test record 2');

declare @joined table (Id int, Name nvarchar(50), OptionalFieldName nvarchar(50), OptionalFieldValue nvarchar(50));
insert into @joined
from @data data
    inner join @optionalFields opt on data.Id = opt.ParentId

declare @cols as nvarchar(max) = 
    stuff((select distinct ',' + quotename(OptionalFieldName) from @joined for xml path(''), type).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)'), 1, 1, '');

select * into #tmp from @joined
-- just to see that it's returning the expected values (it does)
    ,row_number() over (partition by Id order by Id) RN 
from #tmp -- this is the FROM clause in the below dynamic-sql query

declare @query as nvarchar(max) = '
    select Id, Name, ' + @cols + '
    from (select Id, Name, OptionalFieldName, OptionalFieldValue, row_number() over (partition by Id order by Id) RN from #tmp) src 
    pivot (max(OptionalFieldName) for RN in (' + @cols + ')) pvt';

drop table #tmp;

SSMS is giving me 2 errors:

  • Msg 8114, Level 16, State 1, Line 4 Error converting data type nvarchar to bigint.
  • Msg 473, Level 16, State 1, Line 4 The incorrect value "Field1" is supplied in the PIVOT operator.

The "debug" select statement is returning this:

3 rows per "test record", as expected

The article (link above) seemed very promising, however I can't seem to be able to get it to work. What am I doing wrong? Or is this article outright wrong and what I'm trying to do is impossble?

I've seen a number of similar SO questions, but either they involved all-numeric fields that could "just work" with aggregation, or they involved known columns that could be implemented as simple joins - I don't know what OptionalFieldName values I'm going to be selecting, and the OptionalFieldValue values are strings that simply can't be aggregated, at least AFAIK.

  • Well, for one, you're pivoting for RN in [Field1], [Field2], [Field3] etc when RN is the ROW_NUMBER(). What I'm guessing you mean to do is pivot the optionalfieldvalue for each optionalfieldname?
    – ZLK
    Commented Mar 29, 2016 at 21:51
  • @ZLK indeed, but OptionalFieldValue cannot be aggregated as it's a varchar... pivoting on RN is used to trick the pivoting, as shown in the article I linked to. Commented Mar 29, 2016 at 21:56
  • uh... What exactly is your desired output? I'm not sure this is what you want but try adding a @cols2 variable that's the same as @cols but the select statement is this: ', MAX(' + quotename(OptionalFieldName) + ') ' + quotename(OptionalFieldName) then change your @query to: declare @query as nvarchar(max) = ' select Id, Name, ' + @cols2 + ' from #tmp pivot (max(OptionalFieldValue) for OptionalFieldName in (' + @cols + ')) pvt GROUP BY ID, Name';
    – ZLK
    Commented Mar 29, 2016 at 22:00
  • 2
    @Mat'sMug You don't need to trick this at all. Even though the value you need to aggregate is a string you can still use min/max on it. Here is a demo - sqlfiddle.com/#!3/9eecb7/7786/0 That can be easily converted to dynamic sql (sqlfiddle.com/#!3/9eecb7/7790/0).
    – Taryn
    Commented Mar 29, 2016 at 22:46
  • @bluefeet as I reed your comment I understand the failure of my answer and simplicity of your solution :) Why haven't I try this myself? I have deleted my answer in shame :)
    – gofr1
    Commented Mar 29, 2016 at 22:54

2 Answers 2


I'm a bit confused on why you are trying to trick this using row_number(). Even though you have string values, you can still aggregate it - you just need to use max or min to get the result.

I'd always recommend trying to write your query with hard-coded values first, especially when using PIVOT before even attempting to use dynamic SQL. I'm unsure why you can't just write the query this way:

select Id, Name, Field1, Field2, Field3
  from #tmp
) d
  for OptionalFieldName in (Field1, Field2, Field3)
) piv;

See a Demo.

Then if you really need dynamic SQL, you would just write it:

declare @optionalFields table (ParentId int, Name nvarchar(50), Value nvarchar(50));
insert into @optionalFields values (1, 'Field1', 'Foo');
insert into @optionalFields values (1, 'Field2', 'Bar');
insert into @optionalFields values (1, 'Field3', '42');
insert into @optionalFields values (2, 'Field1', 'Bar');
insert into @optionalFields values (2, 'Field2', 'Foo');
insert into @optionalFields values (2, 'Field3', '24');

declare @data table (Id int, Name nvarchar(50));
insert into @data values (1, 'Test record 1');
insert into @data values (2, 'Test record 2');

declare @joined table (Id int, Name nvarchar(50), OptionalFieldName nvarchar(50), OptionalFieldValue nvarchar(50));
insert into @joined
from @data data
    inner join @optionalFields opt on data.Id = opt.ParentId

declare @cols as nvarchar(max);
set @cols = stuff((select distinct ',' + quotename(OptionalFieldName) 
                   from @joined
                   for xml path(''), type).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)'), 1, 1, '');

select * into #tmp from @joined


set @query = 'SELECT Id, Name,' + @cols + ' 
                select Id
                from #tmp
            ) x
                for OptionalFieldName in (' + @cols + ')
            ) p '


See Demo. Both versions appear to give the result that you have requested.

  • 1
    Wow, you rock! Thanks a bunch! Commented Mar 29, 2016 at 23:57

EDIT: This answer is here only to show another way to accomplish this pivoting. The answer from @bluefeet is the best solution!

Hope I understand what you need right:

declare @optionalFields table (ParentId int, Name nvarchar(50), Value nvarchar(50));
insert into @optionalFields values (1, 'Field1', 'Foo');
insert into @optionalFields values (1, 'Field2', 'Bar');
insert into @optionalFields values (1, 'Field3', '42');
insert into @optionalFields values (2, 'Field1', 'Bar');
insert into @optionalFields values (2, 'Field2', 'Foo');
insert into @optionalFields values (2, 'Field3', '24');

declare @data table (Id int, Name nvarchar(50));
insert into @data values (1, 'Test record 1');
insert into @data values (2, 'Test record 2');

    ,opt.Name as Name1
    ,opt.Value into #tmp
from @data data
    inner join @optionalFields opt on data.Id = opt.ParentId

declare @cols as nvarchar(max) = 
    stuff((select distinct ',' + quotename(Name1) from #tmp for xml path(''), type).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)'), 1, 1, '');

DECLARE @cols1 as nvarchar(max) = 
    stuff((select distinct +',MAX(CASE WHEN (pvt1.'+quotename(Name1) +' = ros.RN AND pvt1.id = ros.id) THEN ros.Value ELSE NULL END) as '+quotename(Name1)  from #tmp for xml path(''), type).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)'), 1, 1, '');

declare @query as nvarchar(max) = '
 ;WITH cte AS(

        ros AS (
        SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (partition by Id order by Id) AS [RN],id,Value
        FROM cte),
        pvt1 AS (
    select *
    from (select Id, Name, Name1, row_number() over (partition by Id order by Id) RN 
            from cte) src 
    pivot (max(RN) for Name1 in ('+@cols+')) pvt)

    SELECT pvt1.ID,
    FROM pvt1 
    CROSS JOIN ros
    GROUP BY pvt1.ID,

drop table #tmp


ID  Name            Field1  Field2  Field3
1   Test record 1   Foo     Bar     42
2   Test record 2   Bar     Foo     24

And if you add more Fields like insert into @optionalFields values (2, 'Field4', '15');, you will get:

ID  Name            Field1  Field2  Field3  Field4
1   Test record 1   Foo     Bar     42      NULL
2   Test record 2   Bar     Foo     24      15

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