Laravel 5.2 application.

I have a function in my controller that queries my DB with an order by clause to which I then paginate.

public function foo() {

  $results = DB::orderBy('name', 'desc')->paginate(15);
  return view('index', ['results' => $results]);



@foreach ($results as $result)
  <td>{{ //current $result position is what I need }}</td>
  <td>{{ $result->name }}<td>

How could I output the current row order iteration?


Rank | name | //page 1
1      bob  
2      john
3      katie
Rank | name | //page 2
4      dave  
5      michael
6      ruben

Usually I would just output the id but since I have an orderBy clause, the ID won't correctly reflect the current rank. And if I do something like a for() loop then when I go to the next page, it will reset the first result on the second page, to rank 1, even though it's the next page.

Does Laravel have a specific way of achieving this? I've looked through the docs and I'm unable to find what I'm looking for.

6 Answers 6


I was able to do this more elegantly than the suggestions provided via the firstItem() method.

public function foo() {

  $results = DB::orderBy('name', 'desc')->paginate(15);

  $rank = $results->firstItem();

  return view('index', ['rank' => $rank, 'players' => $players]);



@foreach ($results as $result)
  <td>{{ $rank++ }}</td>
  <td>{{ $result->name }}<td>

You can get a first row number of the current page:

$firstRowOnThisPage = $results->currentPage() * $results->perPage() - $results->perPage() + 1;

And then use this variable in a simple @for loop or just do $i++ in a @foreach loop.

  • 1
    If I could I'd upvote this a thousand times, this works brilliantly.
    – JillevdW
    Sep 30, 2018 at 16:49

Try something like this:

@foreach ($results as $index => $result)
  <td>{{ (Input::get('page', 1) - 1) * $results->getPerPage() + $index + 1 }}</td>
  <td>{{ $result->name }}<td>

This will only work if your using the ?page= in your url. If that doesn't work you can inject that variable in your controller.


I´d give the additional helpers a try:

https://laravel.com/docs/5.1/pagination > Additional Helper Methods


With this method you can surely achieve what you are looking for


my solution is

<td>{{$customer->currentPage() * $customer->perPage() - $customer->perPage() + 1 +$loop->index}}</td>

its work for me


@foreach ($results as $index => $result) {{ (Input::get('page', 1) - 1) * $results->firstItem() + $index }} {{ $result->name }} //etc... @endforeach

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    – Community Bot
    Jun 20, 2023 at 8:37

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