If I have a form with 5 children elements, is there a way to swap, for example, the second one and the 4th one via that pseudo array children of the form? Like:

let temp = parent_form.children[1st_swapped_elem_index];
parent_form.children[1st_swapped_elem_index] =       parent_form.children[2nd_swapped_elem_index];
parent_form.children[1st_swapped_elem_index] = temp;

But it doesnt work, nothing happens. As the 1st_swapped_elem_index and 2nd_swapped_elem_index there are legal, usable and defined variables, each of them holds a certain DOM element.

  • What is the actual problem your trying to solve? The way items are displayed in a list to the user? The iteration order using forEach/for loop? Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 15:55
  • 1
    The problem is - there are few input intems, I want to make simple todo list with HTML5 drag and drop API, and when I drop the dragged item on some other, they are supposed to switch their positions on the screen. So I am trying to use that piece of code to change their positions in the children array-ish and I'm hoping a browser would render them on the new places. But they dont switch places in the children. The console doesn't log any errors though, the temp value gets the 1st_swapped_elem, but it doesn't swap them in the html collection
    – Alex Buddy
    Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 16:03
  • No there is no loop, I just wrote the items dowm in index.html
    – Alex Buddy
    Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 16:05
  • I couldn't do it via append child or insertBefore
    – Alex Buddy
    Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 16:07


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