Hello i have some issues with my telegram bot, developed in ruby with 'telegrammer' client.


  when '/lottery'
    question = 'choose a number:'
    answers =
      keyboard: [
        ["1", "2", "3"],
        ["4", "5", "6"],
        ["7", "8", "9"],
        [" ", "0", " "]

      one_time_keyboard: true

    bot.api.sendMessage(chat_id: message.chat.id, text: question, reply_markup: answers)

How can i interact with the answer of the user? Like

if answers == "1"
    bot.api.sendMessage(chat_id: message.chat.id, text: "You have selected 1", reply_markup: answers)

2) How can i read a command like

/*** @user1

and then the bot will says

@user1 the @user tell you ***

Thank you so much in advance...

  • Did you find a solution for this?
    – Emjey
    Feb 22, 2017 at 17:22
  • I don't remember, but I think not, I stopped working on telegrams bot, sorry Feb 22, 2017 at 17:54
  • 1
    Alright! No problemo! For the time being I could do a work around by predefining the commands in the inline keyboard, that lets user automatically select it.
    – Emjey
    Feb 22, 2017 at 17:58

1 Answer 1


When a user clicks something on the keyboard, there is no special command sent. It doesn't matter if if a user clicks "1" on the keyboard are just sends a message with "1" to your bot (assuming the bot receives that message). So you will just receive the standard data like

"message" : {
    "text" : "1"

So you will probably have a code that looks about this

#If message text equals '1'
when '1'
    #Do something

I don't know how the 'telegrammer' client works, but it's probably the best if your first check if the message text matches a certain regex. If the text does match, then you only need to split the message text to get the parts you want so you can build your reply.

  • However, When '1' acts like a command and not like user input for a particular command! I am thinking should I use def () and call this def when the user types that specific command?
    – Emjey
    Feb 22, 2017 at 17:23

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