wmemcpy appears to perform the same operations as memcpy but accepts wchar_t* instead of void*. How is its existence justified if these two code snippets should have the same behaviour? Does it have a useful purpose?

memcpy(dest, wchar_array, sizeof(wchar_array));


wmemcpy(dest, wchar_array, sizeof(wchar_array) / sizeof(wchar_t));
  • 3
    A weak reason may be that when you have an array of wchar_t, wmemcpy may be more efficient because it can assume suitable alignment.
    – Kerrek SB
    Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 21:22
  • 2
    @Lashane: The term "Word" is not synonym for "2 bytes". As is "1 byte" not 8 bits. Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 21:35
  • 1
    @Lashane: There is little use in using wrong terms without need. The word "octet" is only one letter more to type. And stating "word == 2 bytes" was just a bad idea (you apparently noticed yourself). "I know this" - Problem is this is read by beginners mostly who take such statements as universally valid. Just see the questions here with errors resulting from users making wrong assumptions about sizes. Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 21:48
  • 1
    @JordanMelo I'd never heard of wmemcpy until you asked about it just now. I agree that its existence seems unjustified. Me, I'd never use it. Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 21:50
  • 3
    @Olaf You're fighting a losing battle on "byte". It's a word with multiple meanings (just like "hacker"). For at least 99% of speakers, in common usage, "byte" means "8 bits". Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 21:53

2 Answers 2


In addition to davmac's answer about API symmetry and having the size of an array not always granted, it should be emphasized that the third argument of wmemcpy refers to number of elements to copy (rather than bytes).

If you work with wchar_t objects and handle them with other functions from <wchar.h>, it may facilitate matters. wcslen for instance returns the C wide string length in terms of wchar_t elements, and wcschr and wcsrchr return wchar_t *, thus using them to do some pointer arithmetic also keeps you in the "realm" of number-of-elements.

P.S. If the size of the minimal wchar_t array is given as implied in your example, using wmemcpy may result in more elegant code than that sizeof(wchar_array) you used:

#define SIZE 40
wchar_t wchar_array[SIZE];
// ...
wmemcpy(dest, wchar_array, SIZE);

I guess it's largely about API symmetry, but also, it allows more easily writing code which can work with both wide character and normal strings (switched over by a preprocessor define or similar).

Essentially, if you want your code to work with char, you #define your copy function as memcpy. For wchar_t, you define it as wmemcpy instead. Your size argument is just the number of characters (either char or wchar_t); remember that the argument isn't necessarily a fixed size array, so using sizeof isn't always an option.

The Win32 API for instance makes use of a similar strategy: If you define the UNICODE preprocessor symbol, most functions resolve to their wide-character version (suffixed with W) but otherwise they resolve to the "narrow" character version (suffixed with A); TCHAR is defined as either char or wchar_t accordingly; etc. The upshot is you can write code which works with either wide or regular characters fairly easily.

Of course, this is in no way necessary; but then, the standard C library isn't necessarily supposed to be absolutely minimal. You could argue that calloc is superfluous since you can always use malloc and then memset, for instance; it still exists, however.

  • 1
    I'm not sure this makes sense, because I often need to memcpy things like integers or floats. Why not have a imemcpy() or fmemcpy()? Why does wchar_t get its own function? memcpy works on the basis that char is a single byte, not that it's a character; wchar_t doesn't have that special property, though.
    – Cornstalks
    Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 21:28
  • @Cornstalks but ints and floats aren't (generally) used to hold characters. chart and wchar_t both are; the difference bewteen them is mainly their width/range. Because of this, it makes sense that you might want to write code that works with either (or at least, which is switchable to support either).
    – davmac
    Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 21:33
  • 1
    I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't think memcpy is geared towards characters/strings. If it was, I'd expect it to take a char* instead of a void*.
    – Cornstalks
    Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 21:38
  • @Cornstalks it's not geared towards strings, but you can still use it copy strings; you can pass it a char * without issue. I'm not suggesting this should generally be done, but it can be done, and probably has been done.
    – davmac
    Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 21:44
  • I could easily #define my copy function to something like #define copy(dest,src,size) memcpy(dest,src,(size)*2) instead of wmemcpy(dest,src,size) for wchar_t and get the same effect. It's a fairly trivial transformation. But that's a good point for why someone might have wanted it.
    – Jordan M
    Commented Apr 7, 2016 at 22:28

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