I tried out gF and it seems to not behave like mentioned in :help gF

If cursor is positioned on an entry x.c and I type gf the file is opened.

If cursor is positioned on an entry x.c:3 and I type gF I get E447: Can't find file "x.c:3" in path. Whereby :3 should tell vim to jump to line 3.

What do I miss?

  • Works as expected for me. Check if there isn't any mapping in gF with :map gf Commented Apr 8, 2016 at 13:09

1 Answer 1


Enter :set isfname

It'll show an OS dependent list of all characters considered being possibly part of a file name. On my system (Windows), the column : appears in the list.


Hence it won't be considered by gF as a separator between file name and line number. However if I add a space between them, the behaviour goes as documented.

Given how no sane person uses : in a file name, if you want to use gF on some compiler's output that says file.c:120, you can add this to your vimrc :

set isfname-=:

(mind the - before the =)

If ever one day you need to open a file that has a : in its name, you can always enter :set isfname+=: to restore the column as a valid file name character for the duration of that session.

  • If you have to edit a file with :, just select it in visual and gf instead
    – CervEd
    Commented Mar 18, 2023 at 17:51

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