I created two custom controls that are exactly the same except that they are of two different types.


public class ControlOne : TextEdit
        public static readonly DependencyProperty AwesomeSauceProperty =
         DependencyProperty.Register("AwesomeSauce", typeof(string), typeof(FormTextEditInput));           

        public string AwesomeSauce
            get { return GetValue(AwesomeSauceProperty) as string; }
            set { SetValue(AwesomeSauceProperty, value); }



public class ControlTwo : PasswordEdit
            public static readonly DependencyProperty AwesomeSauceProperty =
             DependencyProperty.Register("AwesomeSauce", typeof(string), typeof(FormTextEditInput));           

            public string AwesomeSauce
                get { return GetValue(AwesomeSauceProperty) as string; }
                set { SetValue(AwesomeSauceProperty, value); }


And in XAML i simply do this

<controls:ControlOne AwesomeSauce="Yummy"/>
<controls:ControlTwo AwesomeSauce="Tummy"/>

and I get error

'AwesomeSauce' property was already registered by 'ControlOne'.

You may be asking why I need two controls that do the same things, I can just create Data Templates and move on. But I want to be stubborn and say that I need custom controls of different types that do the same thing. It be nice if I could use custom controls of a generic type, but I found out that that is not possible (right?).

I also don't want to use different names because that would just be a hack to the problem.

I just want my two controls to be able to use the same names for their dependency properties. Is there something I'm missing here? or I'm I just flat out not allowed to use the same names?

I'm guessing that attached properties would be the solution for this, but I really want to push for a custom control.

3 Answers 3


The third parameter ownerType of the DependencyProperty.Register method must be the type of the class that registers the property, i.e. ControlOne and ControlTwo in your case:

public class ControlOne : TextEdit
    public static readonly DependencyProperty AwesomeSauceProperty =
        DependencyProperty.Register("AwesomeSauce", typeof(string), typeof(ControlOne));

public class ControlTwo : TextEdit
    public static readonly DependencyProperty AwesomeSauceProperty =
        DependencyProperty.Register("AwesomeSauce", typeof(string), typeof(ControlTwo));

aside from the accepted answer which is correct for this situation, in some ocassaions it's maybe because you're not registering your property static, a DependencyProperty is not always dependent to DependencyObject, for instance you may are building a DependencyObject with a propery like DepObj.DepProp = "some prop" but the DependencyObject has not built yet, so DependencyPropertys must always be static (and which is public static should be readonly too due to programming logic ;))

wrong declaration of a DependencyProperty:

public DependencyProperty CProp = DependencyProperty.Register(
            new PropertyMetadata(new C() { a= "default" }, CPropCallBack)

correct declaration of a dependencyProperty:

public static readonly DependencyProperty CProp = DependencyProperty.Register(
            new PropertyMetadata(new C() { a= "default" }, CPropCallBack)

same just happens to me, but with only one UserControl: "Vista.xaml" that is created multiple times into several tab pages of my main window.

I discover there is a lot of relations between the name of the property, the name of the variables and the other names across the app.

So i have to avoid name collisions across xaml Style, Code Behind, vars, funcs, etc. And that solve the problem for me.

this is the control in my "MainWindow.xaml"

<local:Vista Margin="8,10,10,0" Titulo="Here goes title"/>

this is the label inside my custom control "Vista" that shows the title set by the property "Titulo"


  <Label x:Name="labelTitulo" Content="{Binding ElementName=ControlVista, 
  Path=Titulo}" Style="{StaticResource estiloTituloVista}" />


Here is the property wich is located in UserControl code-behind "Vista.xaml.cs"

enter code here
       public static readonly DependencyProperty TituloProperty =
                new FrameworkPropertyMetadata("")
        public string Titulo
            get { return (string)GetValue(TituloProperty); }
            set { SetValue(TituloProperty, value); }

enter code here

Which goes just before the main class of your UserControl

  public Vista()

       if (Titulo != null && Titulo != "") { labelTitulo.Content = Titulo; }

You have to name your UserControl in order to assign the property to one of it's childs.

in my case i named it "ControlVista"

This name is binding with the Content property of child label control "labelTitulo"

View of Vista.xaml design mode

This is how it looks in the mainwindow.xaml

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