In SQL Server 2005's T-SQL language I can shred XML value the following way:

    t.c.value('./ID[1]', 'INT'),
    t.c.value('./Name[1]', 'VARCHAR(50)')
FROM @Xml.nodes('/Customer') AS t(c)

where @Xml is a xml value something like


Can someone help me to achieve the same result in PostgreSQL (probably in PL/pgSQL)?

2 Answers 2


The xpath function will return an array of nodes so you can extract multiple partners. Typically you would do something like:

SELECT (xpath('/Customer/ID/text()', node))[1]::text::int AS id,
  (xpath('/Customer/Name/text()', node))[1]::text AS name,
  (xpath('/Customer/Partners/ID/text()', node))::_text AS partners
FROM unnest(xpath('/Customers/Customer',
)) node

Where you use unnest(xpath(...)) to break a big chunk of xml into row sized bites; and xpath() to extract individual values. Extracting the first value from an XML array, casting to text and then casting to int (or date, numeric etc) is not really comfortable. I have some helper functions on my blog to make this easier, see XML Parsing in Postgres


Use the xpath-function in PostgreSQL to proces the XML.

Edit: Example:

    xpath('/Customer/ID[1]/text()', content),
    xpath('/Customer/Name[1]/text()', content),
    (SELECT '<Customer><ID>23</ID><Name>Google</Name></Customer>'::xml AS content) AS sub;
  • 1
    Thank you, I've already checked this. What I'd like to see is some sample codes.
    – synergetic
    Commented Sep 6, 2010 at 10:15
  • 1
    Thank you, it works. Just 2 more hints will be much appreciated. 1) What if ID is number? 2) What if the original xml has multiples partners <Partners><Partner/><Partner/></Partners>?
    – synergetic
    Commented Sep 7, 2010 at 1:12

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