Im trying to create a function that reads the value of an input and triggers a series of true/false, however the code below keeps returning "passStrength is not defined." From what I can find, oninput isn't supported by Angular. How can achieve this in Angular?

Within my controller:

$scope.passStrength = function(input) {
    if (input.value.toLowerCase().indexOf(/[a-z]/) > -1) {
        $scope.lwrChar = true;
        console.log('lower ' + $scope.lwrChar);
    } else if (input.value.toUpperCase().indexOf(/[A-Z]/) > -1) {
        $scope.uprChar = true;
        console.log('upper ' + $scope.uprChar);
    } else if (input.value.indexOf() == !isNaN(n)) {
        $scope.nbrChar = true;
        console.log('number ' + $scope.nbrChar);
    } else if (input.value.length >= 8) {
        $scope.countChar = true;
        console.log('count ' + $scope.countChar);

and in my markup:

<input id="password" oninput="passStrength()" />

1 Answer 1


To fire an event when the input changes, use ng-change. Also, you must define a ng-model.

<input ng-model="password" ng-change="passStrength(password)" />

Edit: Created a plunker demonstrating it

  • Thanks but then how do I refer to the model in the controller? replacing input with $scope.password doesnt do the trick. Im getting an undefined error from the function for input. Commented Apr 9, 2016 at 23:19
  • Take a look at this Plunker.
    – tpsilva
    Commented Apr 11, 2016 at 12:15
  • Thanks! I took a slightly different path but essentially the same! Commented Apr 12, 2016 at 14:18
  • Maybe it's worth mentioning that ng-change won't evaluate the expression whenever the model changes, but whenever it's changed by the user using the input field. Commented Nov 19, 2016 at 21:03
  • 2
    onchange and oninput are not the same, because onchange only fires when the field loses focus. While this answer may solve the OP's problem, it doesn't actually answer his question.
    – nshew13
    Commented Feb 4, 2017 at 3:18

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