I am trying to install the Python Pillow library and I am getting the following error:
ValueError: zlib is required unless explicitly disabled using --disable-zlib, aborting
I followed the thread to try to fix it: Fail during installation of Pillow (Python module) in Linux
The problem is that it seems to still not be able to find zlib, which I installed via homebrew.
I did a check to see if it was installed:
> brew search zlib
homebrew/dupes/zlib ✔ lzlib
I noticed it is in a different location than a standard brew install ("homebrew/dupes/zlib"). I tried to do an uninstall/reinstall and it puts it back in the same place ("homebrew/dupes/zlib"). The problem seems to be the installer/compiler just can't find it in that location.
My question is, Is there a way to either alias the lib path, point the installer to this lib location or clear it out completely from home-brew to re-install it clean just as zlib? What is the best route to take on this?
Thanks, RB
pip install pillow