I have been trying to add fontello icons to my app. I have followed all the instructions. I add the .ttf file to my project, added a 'Fonts provided by application' row to my info.plist file, added the fontello.ttf file as item0, changed the label font to fontello and the text to unicode. When I run the code in the simulator, instead of the icons, I just get a square with a question mark in it. Am I missing something? I got no errors in the console. I use xcode 7.3 and swift 2. I am new to iOS development and have been stuck with this for a while. Any help is greatly appreciated!

  • Did you install the font in your Mac's Font Book?
    – atulkhatri
    Apr 12, 2016 at 18:22
  • Yes, I installed it.
    – Srinija
    Apr 14, 2016 at 17:28

1 Answer 1


Install the fontello font with cocoapods


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