I want to wait for Event when I get data in my C# Project.

When program read some data GetData other program creates an event at the end of read this data (call EventForGetData). So, I need to wait for EventForGetData that finish read.

I wrote this code for this task but believe this code might write more optimal.

        public static bool WaitEvent = true;
        public void EventForGetData(string variable)
            WaitEvent = false;

        public static string ForWaitGetData()
            WaitEvent = true;
            while (WaitEvent)
            return Variable;

        public object GetData(){
           // start read data
           // Wait for finish to read data 

         // finish read data
          return MyObject;

1 Answer 1


Try to use Task the first Task is to get your data, at the end do your processing or launch your event: Example

Task task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
              //put you code here the first one 
            }).ContinueWith((rs) =>{
              //Launch your event or anything you want

Note: the code that you will put inside the ContinueWith will be executed after the code that you write in the StartNew.

  • Sorry, but I don't know how write it for my Example... Task task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { webBrowser.Document.InvokeScript(""); //put you code here the first one }).ContinueWith((rs) => { ScriptInterface.ForWaitGetData(); //Launch your event or anything you want });
    – askeet
    Commented Apr 13, 2016 at 17:19
  • 1
    If I'm fully understanding your code why you didn't organize your code like this pastebin.com/BTw6SZhF as long as you don't use Variable because returning no assigning variable have no sense. Commented Apr 13, 2016 at 21:39
  • Main problem is GetData() and EventForGetData() it's one and the same thread. Because one COM object generates EventForGetData() when I use GetData() . So, when GetData waits for Event , COM never calls function EventForGetData() if I don't use Application.DoEvent() while waiting it in GetData().
    – askeet
    Commented Apr 14, 2016 at 6:17
  • The general sense of code when I'm trying to get the value, but I can't get it until COM object itself does not give a value that must be obtained. That is, solutions to this problem must be implemented mechanism waiting for.
    – askeet
    Commented Apr 14, 2016 at 6:39
  • Thanks for your answer. But it doesn't work. If ForWaitGetData() inserts in Task sector Call function GetData() freezes.
    – askeet
    Commented Apr 14, 2016 at 10:24

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