I have an app and I want to delete the cached images downloaded by a particular user.Suppose user1
download few images and logout out and then user2
logged in and download few images. User2
should not see cached images or downloaded images of user1
Cached images showing all the images previously downloaded.
I want cached images to be downloaded after logged out.
localPath = cordova.file.externalCacheDirectory;
localPath = cordova.file.cacheDirectory;
localPath = localPath + downloadFileName.trim().replace(/\s+/g, '-') + ext;
var ft = new FileTransfer();
ft.download(downloadLink, localPath, function(entry) {
console.log("Downloading report on path - " + entry.toURL());
cordova.plugins.fileOpener2.open(entry.toURL(), downloadFileMimeType, {
error : function(e) {
console.log('Error status: ' + e.status + ' - Error message: ' + e.message);
success : function(fileEntry) {
console.log('File opened successfully');
}, function fail(error) {
console.log("Error while downloading report with error code - " + error.code);
}, true, options);