When I use Websphere Liberty 8.5 in development mode, i.e. it's managed through Eclipse I can see all logs in Eclipse's console. When my application deployed on a Bluemix using Liberty Runtime I can connect to server's console using cf logs <appName> see explanation here: Accessing Application Logs In Bluemix and view all logs remotely.

Can I do the same (view logs remotely in a terminal) in a Liberty Server deployed on private server?

  • you can do so using the /ibm/console which is the admin console. you just have to be sure it is installed Apr 18, 2016 at 12:04

1 Answer 1


You are basically asking where to find the logs on WebSphere Liberty.

Liberty has a unified logging component that handles messages that are written by the product and provides First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) services. Additionally, the logging component captures messages that are written to System.out, System.err, java.util.logging, and OSGi logging (what you get when running cf logs on Bluemix).

The logging component can be controlled through the server configuration, and by default, the log directory is set to the LOG_DIR environment variable. The default LOG_DIR environment variable path is WLP_OUTPUT_DIR/serverName/logs.

Accessing those files from terminal you should get what you are asking for.

Please take a look at Liberty - Logging and Trace to get more information.

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