I'd like to clean up my local repository, which has a ton of old branches: for example 3.2, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, etc.

I was hoping for a sneaky way to remove a lot of them at once. Since they mostly follow a dot release convention, I thought maybe there was a shortcut to say:

git branch -D 3.2.*

and kill all 3.2.x branches.

I tried that command and it, of course, didn't work.

  • 43
    git branch -D $(git branch | grep 3.2*) - this worked for me. It deletes the branches whose name starts with "3.2". grep - pattern matching in the output (of git branch in this case). $() - means execute and place the result. | - chaining.
    – Eduard
    Commented Aug 5, 2018 at 9:37
  • 10
    Worth noting for those that don't know, that -D is a force delete, should use -d in most cases to be safer first.
    – redfox05
    Commented Feb 6, 2019 at 17:25
  • This blog contains a short answer medium.com/@rajsek/… Just git branch | grep "<pattern>" | xargs git branch -D much easier Commented Jan 25, 2022 at 17:37

37 Answers 37


I just cleaned up a large set of obsolete local/remote branches today.

Below is how I did it:

1. list all branch names to a text file:

git branch -a >> BranchNames.txt

2. append the branches I want to delete to command "git branch -D -r":

git branch -D -r origin/dirA/branch01 origin/dirB/branch02 origin/dirC/branch03 (... append whatever branch names)

3. execute the cmd

And this one works so much faster and reliable than "git push origin --delete".

This may not be the most smart way as listed in other answers, but this one is pretty straight forward, and easy to use.


I was able to delete many of my branches using the below shell script:

# Get a list of remote branches matching the regex pattern
matching_branches=($(git ls-remote --heads | grep -E "/3.*" | awk -F'/' '{print $3}'))

# Loop through the matching branches and delete each one remotely
for branch in "${matching_branches[@]}"
  # Delete remotely
  git push --delete origin "$branch"

By running this I am able to delete multiple branches with some similar in the branch names. This is the output:

sidharth@Sidharths-Air test-repo % bash delete-branch.sh                                                  
From https://github.com/sidharthvijayakumar/test-repo.git
To https://github.com/sidharthvijayakumar/test-repo.git
 - [deleted]         3.0
To https://github.com/sidharthvijayakumar/test-repo.git
 - [deleted]         3.1
sidharth@Sidharths-Air test-repo % 

So the easiest way would be to : git branch | grep -v "master" | xargs git branch -D

this will remove all the branches except for the master branch and current branch


As in Git all the branches are nothing by references to the git repo, why don't you just delete the branches going to .git/ref and then if anything is left out which is not interesting in the repository will automatically be garbage collected so you don't need to bother.


If you are using Fish shell, you can leverage the string functions:

git branch -d (git branch -l "<your pattern>" | string trim)

This is not much different from the Powershell options in some of the other answers.


You can remove all the branches removing all the unnecessary refs:

rm .git/refs/heads/3.2.*

  • 3
    Downvoted for two reasons: 1. it uses an implementation detail (the fact that current versions of Git store the branches as files in a certain directory). This can change in future versions rendering the answer invalid. 2. It doesn't work if the repository is located in a separate directory.
    – axiac
    Commented Oct 12, 2017 at 9:17
  • Also, this produces very unexpected results if you run this on a packed repository (git gc). Don't do that. Commented Feb 5, 2018 at 13:14

git branch -D <branchName>


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