I am developing an angular-node.js application where I have a button which when clicked triggers a post request. I am facing a strange issue where this post request is getting called the number of times the button is clicked. For example if I click button for first time - post request is called once, if I click again that is the second time post request executes twice and so on. I am clueless what is wrong with the code , here is the code I have :


$scope.addActivity = function(actor){


    $(".dialog-close-button-impact").click(function(e) {

    var countClicks = 0;
    $(".SubmitImpact").click(function(e) {


        alert("I am being called again and again");

        var data = {
            productName: $scope.productName,
            actor: actor,
            activity : $('#activity').val(),
            checked: false

        console.log("Input data for add impact" + actor)

        $http.post('/addActivity', data)
                $scope.data = data;
                $scope.activities = [];

                for (var activity in data) {

                        text: data[activity].activity,
                        id: data[activity].actor,
                        checked: data[activity].checked
                actor = "";

                console.log('Error in adding activity' + data)



node.js code:

app.post('/addActivity',function(req, res) {

    console.log("I am going to add activity");

    console.log("Checked value:" +req.body.checked)

        {productName: req.body.productName,
            checked: req.body.checked,
            actor: req.body.actor,
            activity: req.body.activity

        }, function(err,data){
            if (err)

                productName : req.body.productName
            }, function(err, data) {
                if (err)

                console.log("Printing Data" + data)


template code:

<span><button class=" aui-button dialog-show-button-impact div.actor-\{{$index}}"  style="float: left" title="$i18n.getText('add.activity')"
                                                                            ng-click="addActivity(actor.id)"><span class="aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-add">Add</span>

updated code after removing jquery as suggested :

$scope.addActivity = function(actor){

        AP.require('dialog', function(dialog){
                key: 'activity-content',
                width: '40%',
                height: '30%',
                chrome: true,


        AP.require('events', function(events){
            events.on('customEvent', function(){
                var data = {
                    productName: $scope.productName,
                    actor: actor,
                    activity : arguments[0],
                    checked: false

                $http.post('/addActivity', data)
                        $scope.data = data;
                        $scope.activities = [];

                        for (var activity in data) {

                                text: data[activity].activity,
                                id: data[activity].actor,
                                checked: data[activity].checked

                        actor = "";

                        AP.require("messages", function(messages){
                            //create a message
                            var message = messages.success('','Activity added');
                            }, 2000);


                        AP.require("messages", function(messages){
                            //create a message
                            var message = messages.error('','Error in Adding Activity');
                            }, 2000);


But I still face the same problem.

  • Your angular code is quite confused. As a general rule, you should not be mixing jQuery with Angular. Either one or the other. All of the things you are using $ for should be using the Angular varients.
    – dmoo
    Apr 24, 2016 at 18:17
  • Yeah I know that but right now I am not in a position to refactor it . I just need to fix this issue. Anyhow let me try to explain you the angular part. It addActivity calls a dialog box to open , (.submitImpact ) is the code to submit the dialog form. I hope it helped.
    – user_dev
    Apr 24, 2016 at 18:21
  • If you just want to hack it to work, set a var inProgress = true before the post, wrap the post in a if(!inProgress) and set inProgress = false in the success/error callback of the post.
    – dmoo
    Apr 24, 2016 at 18:24
  • No that is not working.
    – user_dev
    Apr 24, 2016 at 18:41
  • I have similar problem but there is no concrete suggestion provided. stackoverflow.com/questions/33131714/…
    – user_dev
    Apr 24, 2016 at 18:42

2 Answers 2


The problem is that the addActivity function is calling a .click handler every time it is called. Hence, on the second click, there are two .click handlers attached to the element.

There are several ways of fixing this:

  • Refactoring the code in Angular and using ng-click (not possible)
  • Adding the click handler only once. This would involve moving the click handler outside the addActivity function. (best way)
  • Using jQuery.one (as suggested by Sampath).
  • Using name-spaced jQuery events.

After refactoring, the code should look like this:

AP.require('events', function(events){
    // ...

$scope.addActivity = function(actor){
  AP.require('dialog', function(dialog){
      // ...
  • Thanks @musically_ut can you please elaborate the second approach.
    – user_dev
    Apr 25, 2016 at 10:53
  • 1
    I changed the entire code and removed jquery (updated the code)
    – user_dev
    May 3, 2016 at 13:52
  • But I still face the same problem. I have updated my question please have a look
    – user_dev
    May 3, 2016 at 14:17
  • so how am I supposed to handle this now as I removed jquery. please check the updated code in the question.
    – user_dev
    May 3, 2016 at 14:38
  • @user_dev have added what the code should look like. May 3, 2016 at 14:40

Please try as shown below.

$(".SubmitImpact").one("click", function () {

    //alert("This will be clicked only once.");



  • That worked, but can you please tell me why this is happening at all as I have other similar buttons that works fine.
    – user_dev
    Apr 24, 2016 at 18:56
  • I'm sorry,exactly I don't know why this is happening here and there.But if you use proper DOM element handling techniques like above then you can avoid such issues.
    – Sampath
    Apr 24, 2016 at 19:06

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