I want to add a sequence to a column that might already have data, so I'm trying to start it beyond whatever's already there. Assuming there already is data, I would like to have done it this way:

    (SELECT MAX(id_column) FROM my_table) OWNED BY my_table.id_column;

but it keeps dying at ( claiming syntax error. It's like the start value has to be cold hard numbers--nothing symbolic.

Of course, an even better solution would be if the sequence could be intelligent enough to avoid duplicate values, since id_column has a unique constraint on it--that's why I'm doing this. But from what I can tell, that's not possible.

I also tried skipping the START and then doing:

ALTER SEQUENCE my_sequence RESTART WITH (SELECT max(id_column)+1 FROM my_table);

but, again, it doesn't seem like to symbolic start values.

I'm running PostgreSQL 9.4 but some of our customers are using stuff as primitive as 8.3.

3 Answers 3


You can't specify a dynamic value for the start value.

But you can set the value once the sequence is created:

CREATE SEQUENCE my_sequence MINVALUE 1000000 OWNED BY my_table.id_column;
select setval('my_sequence',  (SELECT MAX(id_column) FROM my_table));
  • Amazing... I was about to edit this to add MAX(id_column)+1 so that the sequence would start beyond the max, but when I tested it, it really did start from 1 after the largest id_column! So I guess START 1000000 really means "start at 1000001".
    – Opux
    Commented May 6, 2016 at 20:39
  • I can't confirm what Opux said; I had to do MAX + 1.
    – Noumenon
    Commented Nov 29, 2019 at 14:45
  • 3
    @Noumenon that likely had to do with the sequence's is_called column. If false, the next call to nextval() returns the current value of the sequence. If is_called is true, the sequence will be incremented before returning the new value. When calling setval, you can specify a third param to set is_called, but it defaults to true. In other words, setval('my_sequence', (SELECT MAX(id_column) FROM my_table)); should always cause future defaults to "start from 1 after the largest id_column". This seems true since v7.2. postgresql.org/docs/7.2/functions-sequence.html
    – soupdog
    Commented Aug 12, 2021 at 4:09

You can restore you sequence by request:

select setval('my_sequence', (SELECT MAX(id_column) FROM my_table));

Applicable for Postgres 9.2.


Just because I was struggling with a slight variation in use case to the accepted answers here and experiencing an error telling me that setval did not exist, thought I'd share in case others had the same.

I needed to set the value of my sequence to the max value in an id column, but I also wanted to combine that with a default starting value if there were no rows.

To do this I used coalesce combined with max like this:

select setval('sequence', cast((select coalesce(max(id),1) from table) as bigint));

The catch here was using cast with the select, without that, you get an error something like:

ERROR:  function setval(unknown, double precision) does not exist
LINE 1: select setval('sequence', (select coalesce(MAX(i...

HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

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