I'm trying to perform basic affine transformation using pivot points.
import cv2
import numpy as np
import PIL
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
img = cv2.imread('earth.png')
img_pivots = cv2.imread('earth_keys.png')
map_img = cv2.imread('earth2.png')
map_pivots = cv2.imread('earth2_keys.png')
pts_img_R = np.transpose(np.where(img_pivots[:, :, 2] > 0 ))
pts_img_G = np.transpose(np.where(img_pivots[:, :, 1] > 0 ))
pts_img_B = np.transpose(np.where(img_pivots[:, :, 0] > 0 ))
pts_img = np.vstack([pts_img_R, pts_img_G, pts_img_B])
pts_map_R = np.transpose(np.where(map_pivots[:, :, 2] > 0 ))
pts_map_G = np.transpose(np.where(map_pivots[:, :, 1] > 0 ))
pts_map_B = np.transpose(np.where(map_pivots[:, :, 0] > 0 ))
pts_map = np.vstack([pts_map_R, pts_map_G, pts_map_B])
M = cv2.estimateRigidTransform(pts_map.astype(np.float32), pts_img.astype(np.float32), True)
dst = cv2.warpAffine(map_img,M,(img.shape[1], img.shape[0]))
plt.subplot(122),plt.imshow(dst),plt.title('earth2.png transrofmed')
On both images I made 3 points (R, G & B) and saved them in separate images ('earth_keys.png' for 'earth.png' and 'earth2_keys.png' for 'earth2.png'). All I want is to match pivot points on 'earth2.png' with pivot points on 'earth.png'.
Still, all I get after transformation is this
I'm assuming that I misplaced some arguments or something like this, but I tried all combinations and got all types of wrong results, but still can't spot it.
Edit: Changed pivots number to 6
M is now equal to
array([[ 4.33809524e+00, 8.28571429e-01, -5.85633333e+02],
[ -6.22380952e+00, -1.69285714e+00, 1.03468333e+03]])