I'm getting this error: "Cannot convert range to (class) on this line:

var cellFrom = ss.getRange(rowFrom, i).getCell(1,1);

This is the function:

function copyValidations(sheetName, rowFrom, rowTo, column, numColumns) {
 /* Copy validations of all cells in rowFrom to cells in rowTo, starting at column.\*/

  var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var ss = sh.getSheetByName(sheetName);

  for (var i = column;i<= column + numColumns;i++) {
    var cellFrom = ss.getRange(rowFrom, i).getCell(1,1);
    var cellTo = ss.getRange(rowTo, i).getCell(1,1);
    copyCellDataValidation(cellFrom, cellTo); 

I need to pass ranges of single cells to copyCellDataValidation:

function copyCellDataValidation(cellFrom, cellTo) {
 /* Copies the data validation rules and data from a single cell to another cell

  var rule = cellFrom.getDataValidation();
  if (rule != null) {
   var criteria = rule.getCriteriaType();
   var args = rule.getCriteriaValues();
   cellTo.setDataValidation(rule.copy().withCriteria(criteria, args).build());
  } else {
   //Logger.log('copyCellDataValidation: The cell does not have a data-validation rule.')

I only found suggestions to fix this error when setValues() was involved, but nothing to help me here. Thank you for your help!

1 Answer 1


Found the problem.

I was passing a range object instead of integer to the function. Here it is working:

function copyValidations(sheetName, rowFrom, rowTo, column, numColumns) {
 /* Copy validations of all cells in rowFrom to cells in rowTo, starting at column.\*/

  var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var ss = sh.getSheetByName(sheetName);

  for (var i = column;i<= column + numColumns;i++) {
    var cellFrom = ss.getRange(rowFrom, i);
    var cellTo = ss.getRange(rowTo, i);
    copyCellDataValidation(cellFrom, cellTo); 

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