so I have my project which when installed on host makes login page available (via embedded Tomcat server) as

Now I installed this in ubuntu container and for installation the command I used was

docker run -it --name lp --dns= --dns= --dns-search=corp.sfc.san -p 8080:8443 -v ~/Downloads/logs:/logs -v ~/Downloads:/installers ubuntu /bin/bash

When I did that, I was not able to reach this on my host browser, what I tried was

https://my-docker-machine-ip:8443/ # I am using Mac OSX

Next, I thought to provide exact mapping and I tried

docker run -it --name lp --dns= --dns= --dns-search=corp.sfc.san -p -v ~/Downloads/logs:/logs -v ~/Downloads:/installers ubuntu /bin/bash  

and tried the same URL again, but no luck

What I see is HTTP 404 from Apache. What am I missing?

However within the container, I see log that tells me that server is running

11 May 2016 22:19:19,166 [INFO ] [main] EmbeddedWebServer    | Starting tomcat server on port 8443 ...

1 Answer 1


The syntax is -p hostPort:ContainerPort. Your first example had the right syntax but the 'wrong' port (compared to what you were expecting).

Instead of:

docker run -it --name lp --dns= --dns= --dns-search=corp.sfc.san -p 8080:8443 -v ~/Downloads/logs:/logs -v ~/Downloads:/installers ubuntu /bin/bash


docker run -it --name lp --dns= --dns= --dns-search=corp.sfc.san -p 8443:8443 -v ~/Downloads/logs:/logs -v ~/Downloads:/installers ubuntu /bin/bash


https://my-docker-machine-ip:8443/ # I am using Mac OSX

should work.

  • I see see the same issue
    – daydreamer
    Commented May 11, 2016 at 23:29

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