Bearing in mind that I have only the loosest understanding of what a debugger is really doing, I need help setting up the WebStorm npm debug configuration for an express.js
Here's me so far-- I click debug with my settings as I think they should be (below):
/Users/me/.nvm/versions/node/v4.4.1/bin/node --debug=8090
/Users/me/.nvm/versions/node/v4.4.1/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js run-script start
To debug "start" script, make sure $NODE_DEBUG_OPTION string is specified as the first argument for node command you'd like to debug.
For example:
{ "start": "node $NODE_DEBUG_OPTION server.js" }
Debugger listening on port 8090
It has begun. Port: 3000
So at this point, the application has started up and responds to my POST
to localhost:3000
, but does not break on the breakpoint I set.
Looking in the Debugger>Variables pane, I see Connecting to localhost:57617
, then a tooltip pops up saying "Connection refused" and the pane says Frame is not available
I don't understand where that port number 57617 is coming from. It varies, though not according to any pattern I've yet discovered, except inasmuch as it is always different than the one I set in the --debug=X
or --debug-brk=X
node option.