I have created two build definition for two different builds in TFS 2015.

Ex - Build1 and Build2

Both the are getting executed without an error. What I want to perform is, I want to provide an argument in build one

ex=Build2=True or False.

If the argument Build2=True after build definition Build1 successfully executed the build definition Build2 should get triggered.

And if Build2=False the build process should finish after execution of Build1.

I am able to do this in Jenkins by adding the Build2 to pipeline in postbuild tasks, since I am new in TFS 2015 so can anybody help me to accomplish this in TFS 2015


3 Answers 3


As @Yan Sklyarenko mentioned, this feature is not supported right now, please vote the User Voice at website below:



I created a Build Task that should allow to support your described scenario. It uses the TFS REST API to queue new builds and supports conditions, for example a check if the last build of a specified build definition was successful or not.

You can download it from the Marketplace


Another option is to create Task Group for each build.

you can read about Task Groups here

and create one build that use some task group in his steps.

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