I have a command service class, which utilises the unit of work pattern, with various methods to update a database (SQL Azure, in this case) via entity framework.

The command service gets instantiated with a reference to an instance of a dbcontext, whose lifetime is managed by my DI framework of choice.

Some of the command service class' methods wraps multiple updates to the database within a transaction, for example:

public void UpdateStuff(someEntity)
    using(var tx = _db.Database.BeginTransaction())
        //Some updates to db
        //Some other updates to db

Now, some of these methods calls other methods of the command class from within their transactions, for instance:

public void UpdateWithSomeCascadingStuff(someOtherEntity)
    using(var tx = _db.Database.BeginTransaction())
        //Some updates to db

        //Some other cascading logic and updates to db
        var relatedEntityToUpdate = _query.GetSomeEntityToUpdate(someOtherEntity);

Clearly, by doing this, I am nesting EF transactions for the same DbContext instance.

Is this supported and will it cause any trouble? Are there any alternative approaches I can take?

UPDATE: I am using EF6 Code First

2 Answers 2


EntityFramework's DBContexts implements both UnitOfWork and Repository patterns in itself.

The context in EF6 also automatically wraps all commits in a transaction in itself (if it is not already part of one).

So, no, you should not share a context between multiple units of work. They should each get their own.


If you try to start duplicate transactions on the same DbContext you get:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in EntityFramework.dll

Additional information: The connection is already in a transaction and cannot participate in another transaction. EntityClient does not support parallel transactions.

So no, you can't do what you are asking for.

  • Thanks, but this does not answer my question.
    – CShark
    May 13, 2016 at 15:09
  • 1
    EF is hidden behind an interface from client code (as I need to be able to easily swop out storage mechanisms without affecting client code), and also have some CQRS going on. As such I had to "wrap" its UOW implementation. The how, why and correctness of this is a too long discussion. I am aware that EF wraps instructions before SaveChanges in a single transaction. In my scenario, I have mutliple SaveChanges calls that I need to wrap in a single transaction. Once again - not here to defend the design - I just want to find out if I can nest EF6 transactions inside one another.
    – CShark
    May 13, 2016 at 15:15
  • 1
    I've expanded my answer. Hope that helps answer your question better May 13, 2016 at 16:05
  • 1
    I just realized you can solve the "problem" with TransactionScope (using System.Transaction). If you wrap each DbContext inside its own using (var ts = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew)) { } instead of using BeginTransaction() they can complete their tasks regardless of being inside anoter TS. Setting option to Required enlists in existing scopes or creates a new if none exists. May 13, 2016 at 16:29
  • 2
    That's the second post on this thread that got "RequiresNew" backwards. You cannot nest transaction scopes with "RequiresNew". RequiresNew will throw an error if doesn't create a new ambient transaction (i.e. there's already one active). Use 'Required', because it will either create a new one, or use the existing one if one already exists.
    – Triynko
    May 4, 2018 at 18:04

In EF Core 5 there is new feature: Savepoints

You can add Savepoints with in the exited trunsaction and roolback to them:


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