Through searching and asking, I've found many packages I can use to make use of all the cores of my server, and many packages that can do random forest.

I'm quite new at this, and I'm getting lost between all the ways to parallelize the training of my random forest. Could you give some advice on reasons to use and/or avoid each of them, or some specific combinations of them (and with or without caret ?) that have made their proof ?

Packages for parallelization :



doSMP (discontinued ?),


(and what about mclapply ?)

Packages for random forest :

[caret + some of the following]






parallelRandomForest (crashes my R Studio session...)


  • So does this mean you decided that you need a very large number of trees? May 13, 2016 at 15:01
  • I've managed to reduce the number of features used thanks to your advice (and some feature engineering too) as well as the training time. But unfortunately, it seems I still need to have many trees, yes. (But I might be doing some things wrong, I'm still exploring. May 13, 2016 at 15:12
  • 2
    General advice: This question is a bit broad, so it might not attract too many answers. It would be better to, for example, just focus on the parallel computing R packages, and better yet to even ask about a single package with random forests. May 13, 2016 at 15:15
  • I know, I even expected it to be downvoted. The thing is, I've found so many things, and combinations of parallelization packages & random forests packages that I'm getting lost on which combination is fitting my needs. May 13, 2016 at 15:53

1 Answer 1


There are a few answers on SO, such as parallel execution of random forest in R and Suggestions for speeding up Random Forests, that I would take a look at.

Those posts are helpful, but are a bit older. the ranger package is an especially fast implementation of random forest, so if you are new to this it might be the easiest way to speed up your model training. Their paper discusses the tradeoffs of some of the available packages - depending on your data size and number of features, which package gives you the best performance will vary.

  • Thanks. Regarding the first link, will .multicombine=TRUE work with caret + ranger ? If so, how can I pass it through train() ? May 13, 2016 at 15:59
  • Regarding your second link : if I use caret + allowParallel = TRUE in train(), I must not use the foreach syntax, right ? Do I still have to do registerDoParallel(makeCluster(detectCores())) (from doParallel, for instance) before ? Or on the contrary, will it cause a problem ? May 13, 2016 at 16:00
  • 1
    The 'ranger' package is really cool tool to speed up random forest calculations. Checked it recently.
    – Andrii
    Dec 12, 2017 at 17:42

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