I have a dataset on which I'm trying to apply some arithmetical method. The thing is it gives me relatively large numbers, and when I do it with numpy, they're stocked as 0.
The weird thing is, when I compute the numbers appart, they have an int value, they only become zeros when I compute them using numpy.
x = np.array([18,30,31,31,15])
vector = 10*150**x/x
Out[2]: array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
I have off course checked their types:
type(10*150**x[0]/x[0]) == type(vector[0])
How can I compute this large numbers using numpy without seeing them turned into zeros?
Note that if we remove the factor 10 at the beggining the problem slitghly changes (but I think it might be a similar reason):
x = np.array([18,30,31,31,15])
vector = 150**x/x
Out[5]: array([-329406144173384851, -230584300921369396, 224960293581823801,
-224960293581823801, -368934881474191033])
The negative numbers indicate the largest numbers of the int64 type in python as been crossed don't they?
np.array([18.0, 30, 31, 31, 15])
instead of int?