I'm using NeuroSky's Mindwave Mobile and Raspberry 3 to do FFT with Python 2.7.

Presently, I got raw data which is sampled brainwave data.

We can get raw data at 512 per sec. That means, Sampling Frequency is 512Hz, but I don't know what to do. I found on the internet that I should first install numpy but I seem to be unable to get FFT working.

How can I use real-time data (raw data of measures using Mindwave Mobile) to do FFT?

Can you guys help me from first stage(install numpy) to final stage (do FFT)?

The following picture shows measured raw data, and next it's my code:

enter image description here

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
import bluetooth
from mindwavemobile.MindwaveDataPoints import RawDataPoint
from mindwavemobile.MindwaveDataPointReader import MindwaveDataPointReader
import textwrap
from mindwavemobile.MindwaveDataPoints import EEGPowersDataPoint

if __name__ == '__main__': #외부에서 호출시
    mindwaveDataPointReader = MindwaveDataPointReader() #인스턴스 생성
    if (mindwaveDataPointReader.isConnected()):    
            dataPoint = mindwaveDataPointReader.readNextDataPoint() 
            #if (not dataPoint.__class__ is RawDataPoint):
                #print dataPoint        
            if (dataPoint.__class__ is RawDataPoint): 
                print dataPoint
            Exiting because the program could not connect
            to the Mindwave Mobile device.""").replace("\n", " "))

1 Answer 1


You can check this out which was talking about how to plot fft with numpy link

That's could be simple if you want to plot data offline, or have to create a loop to plot data in real time


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