There are lots of answers with claims about performance and bad practice, so I clarify that here.
The exception route is faster for higher numbers of returned columns, the loop route is faster for lower number of columns, and the crossover point is around 11 columns. Scroll to the bottom to see a graph and test code.
Full answer:
The code for some of the top answers work, but there is an underlying debate here for the "better" answer based on the acceptance of exception handling in logic and its related performance.
To clear that away, I do not believe there is much guidance regarding catching exceptions. Microsoft does have some guidance regarding throwing exceptions. There they do state:
Do not use exceptions for the normal flow of control, if possible.
The first note is the leniency of "if possible". More importantly, the description gives this context:
framework designers should design APIs so users can write code that does not throw exceptions
That means, if you are writing an API, that might be consumed by somebody else, give them the ability to navigate an exception without a try/catch. For example, provide a TryParse with your exception-throwing Parse method. Nowhere does this say though that you shouldn't catch an exception.
Further, as another user points out, catches have always allowed filtering by type and somewhat recently allow further filtering via the when clause. This seems like a waste of language features if we're not supposed to be using them.
It can be said that there is some cost for a thrown exception, and that cost may impact performance in a heavy loop. However, it can also be said that the cost of an exception is going to be negligible in a "connected application". Actual cost was investigated over a decade ago: How expensive are exceptions in C#?
In other words, the cost of a connection and query of a database is likely to dwarf that of a thrown exception.
All that aside, I wanted to determine which method truly is faster. As expected there is no concrete answer.
Any code that loops over the columns becomes slower as the number of columns increase. It can also be said that any code that relies on exceptions will slow depending on the rate in which the query fails to be found.
Taking the answers of both Chad Grant and Matt Hamilton, I ran both methods with up to 20 columns and up to a 50% error rate (the OP indicated he was using this two test between different stored procedures, so I assumed as few as two).
Here are the results, plotted with LINQPad:
The zigzags here are fault rates (column not found) within each column count.
Over narrower result sets, looping is a good choice. However, the GetOrdinal/Exception method is not nearly as sensitive to number of columns and begins to outperform the looping method right around 11 columns.
That said, I don't really have a preference performance wise as 11 columns sounds reasonable as an average number of columns returned over an entire application. In either case we're talking about fractions of a millisecond here.
However, from a code simplicity aspect, and alias support, I'd probably go with the GetOrdinal route.
Here is the test in LINQPad form. Feel free to repost with your own method:
void Main()
var loopResults = new List<Results>();
var exceptionResults = new List<Results>();
var totalRuns = 10000;
for (var colCount = 1; colCount < 20; colCount++)
using (var conn = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDb;Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=True;"))
//create a dummy table where we can control the total columns
var columns = String.Join(",",
(new int[colCount]).Select((item, i) => $"'{i}' as col{i}")
var sql = $"select {columns} into #dummyTable";
var cmd = new SqlCommand(sql,conn);
var cmd2 = new SqlCommand("select * from #dummyTable", conn);
var reader = cmd2.ExecuteReader();
Func<Func<IDataRecord, String, Boolean>, List<Results>> test = funcToTest =>
var results = new List<Results>();
Random r = new Random();
for (var faultRate = 0.1; faultRate <= 0.5; faultRate += 0.1)
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
var faultCount=0;
for (var testRun = 0; testRun < totalRuns; testRun++)
if (r.NextDouble() <= faultRate)
if(funcToTest(reader, "colDNE"))
throw new ApplicationException("Should have thrown false");
for (var col = 0; col < colCount; col++)
if(!funcToTest(reader, $"col{col}"))
throw new ApplicationException("Should have thrown true");
results.Add(new UserQuery.Results{
ColumnCount = colCount,
TargetNotFoundRate = faultRate,
NotFoundRate = faultCount * 1.0f / totalRuns,
return results;
var combinedResults = loopResults.Join(exceptionResults,l => l.ResultKey, e=> e.ResultKey, (l, e) => new{ResultKey = l.ResultKey, LoopResult=l.TotalTime, ExceptionResult=e.TotalTime});
.Chart(r => r.ResultKey, r => r.LoopResult.Milliseconds * 1.0 / totalRuns, LINQPad.Util.SeriesType.Line)
.AddYSeries(r => r.ExceptionResult.Milliseconds * 1.0 / totalRuns, LINQPad.Util.SeriesType.Line)
public static bool HasColumnLoop(IDataRecord dr, string columnName)
for (int i = 0; i < dr.FieldCount; i++)
if (dr.GetName(i).Equals(columnName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
return true;
return false;
public static bool HasColumnException(IDataRecord r, string columnName)
return r.GetOrdinal(columnName) >= 0;
catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
return false;
public class Results
public double NotFoundRate { get; set; }
public double TargetNotFoundRate { get; set; }
public int ColumnCount { get; set; }
public double ResultKey {get => ColumnCount + TargetNotFoundRate;}
public TimeSpan TotalTime { get; set; }