I have combined some typical (anti-)pattern I have come along, looking at javascript using the Q library:

How much of this can be simplified? (or is pointless) Especially:

  • A: What is the value in deferred.resolve(... over returning a value and thus resolving right away? Only the fact, that code that further code get's executed, ie. doSomeMore() ?
  • if so, for A2 this is pointless in this code?
  • B: What is the value in deferred.reject over throw throw new Error('')
  • C: The try-catch also irritates me. Only to ensure doSomeMore() ?

    function foo(u) {

    var deferred = Q.defer();
    bar(u).then( function (v) {
        if (v==42) {
            deferred.resolve( Q(null) );    // A
        } else {
            try {
                var controller = new Controller();
                deferred.resolve( controller ); // A2
            catch (error) {
                deferred.reject(error);     // B,C
        return deferred.promise;


  • I'm confused as to what this code is supposed to do. Also, this code will not even parse; there's a missing end parenthesis for the then(. May 19, 2016 at 14:25
  • 1
    Are you saying that you have combined the antipatterns on purpose?
    – Bergi
    May 19, 2016 at 14:31
  • @Bergi: I have found them in existing code and damped down to focus on the relevant parts of issues I see...
    – Frank N
    May 19, 2016 at 15:27
  • @MikeMcCaughan corrected the ). It's not supposed to do much, beyond fulfill (sucessfully resolve) to a Controller or Null under some circumstances, to rejection under others. — I encounter such thing things (in less abstract form of course) in production code, thus seeking a better understanding for (anti)patterns and practices...
    – Frank N
    May 19, 2016 at 15:33

2 Answers 2


Yes, the purpose of this code seems to be ensuring that doSomeMore() is executed regardless what happened when the Controller was constructed. You could get that more easily though:

function foo(u) {
    return bar(u).then(function (v) {
        if (v == 42) {
            return null;
        } else {
            try {
                return new Controller();
            } finally {
  • @jfriend00: Yes, finally does always execute, that's its entire point :-)
    – Bergi
    May 19, 2016 at 15:13
  • return null is just as good as deferred.resolve( Q(null) );? (That's what I was thinking, too)
    – Frank N
    May 19, 2016 at 15:34
  • @FrankN: Yes, pretty much (assuming that deferred doesn't matter)
    – Bergi
    May 19, 2016 at 15:35

Something like this maybe?

return bar(u).then(function (v) {      
  if (v==42) 
    return null;  
  return new Controller();  
}).finally(function() { doSomeMore(); });
  • As @Bergi points out this code misses the doSomeMore() only executing when v != 42. May 19, 2016 at 14:41

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