I am using the laravel register function to register a user. I added a checkbox where the user needs to accept the terms and conditions. I only want the user to register when the checkbox is checked. Can I use the 'required' validation in laravel? This is my validation function:

 return Validator::make($data, [
        'firstName' => 'required|max:255',
        'lastName' => 'required|max:255',
        'email' => 'required|email|max:255|unique:users',
        'password' => 'required|confirmed|min:6',
        'checkbox' =>'required',

When I use the function like this, laravel gives the required error for the checkbox even if it is checked.

This is the html of the checkbox

<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" id="option" value="{{old('option')}}"><label for="option"><span></span> <p>Ik ga akkoord met de <a href="#">algemene voorwaarden</a></p></label>

I hope you guys can help me!

  • What does your form look like? Did you check the actual post data in dev tools? Probably the html is wrong so the data isnt being posted. Top tip - if you are using a modern IDE, install xdebug and set a breakpoint
    – Steve
    Commented May 20, 2016 at 11:25
  • It will work, just be sure the input value will not be an empty string or false. And 'checkbox' =>'required' is ok as long as the key is the value of the input name attribute. Commented May 20, 2016 at 11:40
  • Thanks man! Can you post this as an answer? This way I can accept it and upote it Commented May 20, 2016 at 11:45

5 Answers 5


Use the accepted rule.

The field under validation must be yes, on, 1, or true. This is useful for validating "Terms of Service" acceptance.

Sample for your case:

 return Validator::make($data, [
    'firstName' => 'required|max:255',
    'lastName' => 'required|max:255',
    'email' => 'required|email|max:255|unique:users',
    'password' => 'required|confirmed|min:6',
    'checkbox' =>'accepted'
  • 24
    This is the correct answer for Terms of Service checkboxes. Commented Aug 13, 2018 at 19:59
  • This bypassed the server-side terms accepting validation if post is made manually. The solution is to put accepted first then required.
    – Henrikh
    Commented Jan 14, 2022 at 9:22

It will work, just be sure the input value will not be an empty string or false. And 'checkbox' =>'required' is ok as long as the key is the value of the input name attribute.


I just had a big frustration, because the code i'm using returns the checkbox value as a boolean value.

If you have a similar situation you can use the following rule:

 'checkbox_field' => 'required|in:1',

Use required_without_all for checkbox :

return Validator::make($data, [
        'firstName' => 'required|max:255',
        'lastName' => 'required|max:255',
        'email' => 'required|email|max:255|unique:users',
        'password' => 'required|confirmed|min:6',
        'checkbox' =>'required_without_all',

Refer : https://laravel.com/docs/5.1/validation#available-validation-rules

public function store(Request $request)
            'name'        =>'required|max:60',
            'descrip'   =>'nullable|max:255',
            'finish'    =>'nullable', //this is the checkbox
            'urgent'      =>'required|numeric|min:0|max:2',
            'limit'  =>'required|date-format:Y-m-d\TH:i'

            if ($datos['finish']=="on"){
        return redirect()->route('tarea.index');

  • 1
    Can you share a bit "text" with your code?
    – KargWare
    Commented Dec 12, 2022 at 21:22

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