I'm using packer with ansible provisioner to build an ami, and terraform to setup the infrastructure with that ami as a source - somewhat similar to this article: http://www.paulstack.co.uk/blog/2016/01/02/building-an-elasticsearch-cluster-in-aws-with-packer-and-terraform
When command packer build pack.json
completes successfully I get the output ami id in this format:
eu-central-1: ami-12345678
In my terraform variables variables.tf
I need to specify the source ami id, region etc. The problem here is that I don't want to specify them manually or multiple times. For region (that I know beforehand) it's easy since I can use environment variables in both situations, but what about the output ami? Is there a built-in way to chain these products or some not so hacky approach to do it?
EDIT: Hacky approach for anyone who might be interested. In this solution I'm grep
ing the aws region & ami from packer output and use a regular expression in perl to write the result into a terraform.tfvars
packer build pack.json | \
tee /dev/tty | \
grep -E -o '\w{2}-\w+-\w{1}: ami-\w+' | \
perl -ne '@parts = split /[:,\s]+/, $_; print "aws_amis." . $parts[0] ." = \"" . $parts[1] . "\"\n"' > ${vars}