I want to create additional objects based on user input during the .save() method of my model. the info is stored in a ManyToMany-relation .available_specs.

My code works, if one presses save twice, but not at the first time. The problem is described in the comments here Django foreign key access in save() function, too.

Here is what I do:

def save(self, *args, **kwargs):

    my_save_result = super().save(*args, **kwargs) #save first to create an id
    self.refresh_from_db() #just as a test, did not help at all

    #the following line is the problem: 
    #   in the first save, available_specs.all() returns []
    #   when I re-open the model and save again, I get the correct list
    for spec in self.available_specs.all():
        VehicleSpec.objects.get_or_create(vehicle=self, spec=spec)

    return my_save_result

I'm using Python 3.5 and Django 1.9

Edit: I tried to use the post_save() signal using the following code (and removed the overridden save()-method):

@receiver(post_save, sender=VehicleModel)
def create_dependent_vehicle_specs(sender, **kwargs):
    vehicle = kwargs['instance']

    #in the first save-process I get an empty list here, 
    #after I hit save again, the code works. 
    print(vehicle, vehicle.available_specs.all())
    for spec in vehicle.available_specs.all():
        VehicleSpec.objects.get_or_create(vehicle=vehicle, spec=spec)

Edit2: m2m_changed did the trick:

@receiver(m2m_changed, sender=VehicleModel)
def create_dependent_vehicle_specs(sender, **kwargs):
    vehicle = kwargs['instance']
    for spec in vehicle.available_specs.all():
        VehicleSpec.objects.get_or_create(vehicle=vehicle, spec=spec)

m2m_changed.connect(create_dependent_vehicle_specs, sender=VehicleModel.available_specs.through)  # @UndefinedVariable

BTW: A related question is here: Django accessing ManyToMany fields from post_save signal

  • Did you try doing it in post_save signal? May 22, 2016 at 0:12
  • I just tried it with same effect
    – OBu
    May 22, 2016 at 7:22

1 Answer 1


You need to use a m2m_changed signal. You should not be calling another models' get_or_create in another models' save method


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