I am developing a plugin for the GIS software, QGIS. I created a QTableWidget and wish to extract values from it:


Problem is, I use a lot of for loops and if else statements which, up until the last few lines, seems to work fine. I can't seem to follow the logic now as the line print constraint_name only prints off the last value "Example_2". I could take it out of its corresponding else statement and then it will print all values correctly but I need to set it inside a condition:

qTable = self.dockwidget.tableWidget  # QTableWidget
example_group = root.findGroup('Main group')  # Group containing sub groups
all_items = []
gis_map = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayersByName( "Map" )[0]  # Layer map in QGIS
idx = gis_map.fieldNameIndex("Rank")  # Get "Rank" attribute field from gis_map
for row in range(qTable.rowCount()):
    for col in [0]:  # For first column "Constraint name"
        constraint_item = qTable.item(row, col)                            
        constraint_name = str(constraint_item.text())
    for col in [1]:  # For second column "Rank"
        item = qTable.item(row, col)
        item_string = str(item.text())
        for group in example_group.children():  # Search for specific group
            if group.name() == "Sub group":
                if len(set(all_items)) == 1:  # If all items are the same
                    # If "Rank" field exists in layer map
                    if idx == -1:
                        print 'success'
                        print 'fail'                        
                    if idx == -1:
                        print constraint_name
                        print 'fail'   

Is there a way to tidy this up and still get the correct results?

  • 4
    for col in [0]:?? Something seems fishy there
    – R Nar
    Commented May 26, 2016 at 13:30
  • 2
    both of your 2nd level for loops are useless. for col in [0] and for col in [1] can be refactored to nothing, since they each execute exactly once with a known value. Commented May 26, 2016 at 13:35
  • 2
    Also it seems that your innermost if statements can be reversed, since you print fail if idx == -1 regardless of the value of len(set(all_items)) Commented May 26, 2016 at 13:36
  • @RNar - I'm not sure but isn't that the first column of the QTableWidget? Because I can print off the values from that by adding print constraint_name in the same loop.
    – Joseph
    Commented May 26, 2016 at 13:36
  • 2
    A way to avoid this in the future is to not use lines like for col in [0]: # For first column "Constraint name" The comment there hints that you should define a variable named constraint_column or something and then use it in the for statement. Commented May 26, 2016 at 13:56

1 Answer 1


My sincere thanks to the commenters who directed me to a much more efficient solution, here is the working code which works (I'm sure it can be refined further):

qTable = self.dockwidget.tableWidget
example_group = root.findGroup('Main group')
all_items = []
gis_map = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayersByName( "Map" )[0]
idx = gis_map.fieldNameIndex("Rank")
for row in range(qTable.rowCount()):
    constraint_item = qTable.item(row, 0)                            
    constraint_name = str(constraint_item.text())
    item = qTable.item(row, 1)
    item_string = str(item.text())
    for group in example_group.children():
        if group.name() == "Sub group":
            if idx == -1:
                if len(set(all_items)) == 1:
                    print 'success'
                    print 'fail'                        
                print constraint_name 

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